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She was stood at the edge of a cliff.

Peering down into where she would be falling in a few insignificant moments.

Her cheeks were damp with tears.

Her heat beat was frantic, spermatic.

She took a step forward, closed her eyes and-

Her body harshly impacted the cold hard ground.

Pain shot up and down her side.

"What are you doing!?" The girl above her exclaimed.

"I think it's quite obvious"

she said in between breaths.

"But why?" She questioned, "You shouldn't waste your life for no reason!"

"No reason huh?" The girl chuckled,

"My life is shit and everyone wants me gone anyway."

A bitter taste was left in their mouth when she said those words.

She considered her next words

"I don't want you gone..."

She look incredulously at the other,

"You don't even know me."

"But I want to. Just give me a chance"

She laughed bitterly "What do you have in mind?"

"Let's play 20 questions."

She finally said,

"That way we can get to know each other in a fun way!"

She was silent.

"I'll start. How old are you?"

She paused, she did have a question in her mind to ask the other, so she decided to play along.

"I'm 17."


She glared,

"I didn't ask you."

The other rolled her eyes,

"What's your question?"

She hesitated before finally opening her mouth again.

"Why were you on top of this cliff in the first place?"

She was met by silence

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