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(A/N: We're getting into the plot with the female lead now! It should start going faster and more intense from now!)

It took the army 2 weeks to pack up everything in preparation to return to the capital. Other than the regular sentries and soldiers who were permanently posted at the border everyone else got ready to leave. During the ride back to the capital everyone was laughing and in full cheer. They rode much faster than when they headed to the border. No one complained about the speed and in fact if they could ride faster they would. Many actually felt like riding through the night if it would get them back faster.

Sitting among the boisterous crowd, Feixiang let out a happy grin. He wished he could pull Tian Yi into his arms but he had to satisfy himself with sitting next to him. Even that was a pleasure after not being near each other for so long, he wanted to stare at Tian Yi's face and memorize every feature. Feixiang was slightly irritated that he had to be low-key because of everyone else's shit opinions. If he were a normal soldier he would have said fuck it, but he was the Crown Prince. Feixiang let out a frustrated sigh and tightly intertwined his fingers in irritation, but he calmed down when he felt Tian Yi lightly place a hand on his shoulder and rub it in consolation. Feixiang felt blessed because Tian Yi had been learning to emote more and more. He would see his smile more often even though it was barely noticeable. Now Tian Yi could actually chuckle!

During the war Feixiang saw Tian Yi's eyes dim when another dead soldier was carried out to be buried. Feixiang's heart ached when he saw Tian Yi's very faint expression of sadness and pain, but that was a feeling too. Life isn't all happiness and Feixiang was more than aware that Tian Yi would have many more struggles to come. He hadn't told Tian Yi yet, but he planned to claim the throne soon and relieve his Imperial Father of his burden. When that day comes he will formally crown Tian Yi as his Empress. Feixiang was nervous because he wasn't 100% sure that Tian Yi would agree. Feixiang had already planned out an elaborate way to propose to his lover, and his heart raced when he thought about what he planned to do hopefully a few days after returning to the capital. Feixiang knew that there were many complicated issues he would have to solve both with the ministers and with his Imperial Father about the handing over process but he was confident in his ability.

There was that time when Feixiang was known as the rogue of the capital but he had changed. Feixiang knew that before he had no ambition and no real interest in fighting for anything. Now everything had changed, he could only openly be with his beloved if he took the throne and changed the rules. He knew there would be many hurdles, but it was worth it. Not only for him but for so many others, to get the chance to live freely and openly, who wouldn't want that?

While Feixiang was lost in thought, there was another man also consumed by his own thoughts and worries. Tian Wu couldn't stop thinking about what he saw that day, and whenever he saw Tian Yi or Feixiang he would give them complicated looks. Subconsciously he seemed to want to keep Song Huang away from noticing Tian Yi and Feixiang so he would always distract him or redirect him towards a different area. At first it was discreet but after a while Tian Yi noticed the complicated looks and his weird actions.

Ni Ni, what's going on? What's wrong with Tian Wu?

[He saw you and your man making out]

Oh so is he planning to rat us out or ruin us or something?

[Actually...no. He's trying to keep Song Huang away from you guys to stop him from figuring it out. I have to admit I never thought he would ever be decent in any way, but I seem to be getting things wrong more often these days.]

Why though?

[I guess he had this spiritual realization or something. He has become hella tired of his life and I guess he wants to help you out one last time after being a total dick to you. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel touched.]

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