~ Going to Karaoke ~

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Put your hands up if you've been to one of these!!!

Now put the other hand up if you've been there with people who don't sing really well and you don't know if you want to be here now as you question your life choices and friendship with this person because you think you sing fine or have taken lessons and now you're thinking of giving them free lessons after this experience while there are other people in the room making you feel very sweaty... And the other people who are doing Karaoke are annoying you cause one of the boys tried to belt and started choking.

The one above is an exaggerated story, I just went with some friends a few times and actually did have a good time. Everything was in Korean so I was the odd person wondering why I came here but I did find out who needed singing lessons and who didn't... Still, love them tho!


You don't know what made the two of you agree to go to this place. Oh, wait, it was the fact that there were suddenly two coupons to an expensive Karaoke AND a free meal at your door.

When you found the two pieces of gold in your junk mail, you looked over at Keith with a smirk, flashing the two tickets in his direction. His reaction was a cute look of surprise then a slow grin on his face.

You know college students, anything free is a gift from above (Unless is something bad like a free smack in the face, yeah don't accept anything like that).

Keith wanted to be a little low key, dressed in his maroon hoodie, black jeans and converse without his beanie. Actually, his usual sexy mess of hair had grown longer and you always never failed to think about how hot your boyfriend was. You had recently decided to have side fringes that outlined your face so every single time you wore a ponytail, your fringes would hang on the sides of your face to make you like awesome.

Getting to the expensive Karaoke wasn't an issue, Keith drove the two of you there where you met a ginger man. His distinct moustache was incredibly distracting. His aged self had thinned his stature but it didn't put a damper on his energetic character. Coran, that was his name.

His chirpy voice was your first bit of entertainment as he led you down lavished halls of people singing really well and really badly. You were cringing one moment and enjoying the music in the next.

"And here you are! This large room should be well fitted for the occasion!" Coran plastered an enthusiastic grin as he presented a closed black door. "Well!" Coran quickly rushed out the room and grinned a closed-eyed smile. "Enjoy your time here!"

With that, Coran left you two and Keith alone. You laughed as he zoomed out, presumably to cater for other customers.

"You ready?" Keith asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," You laughed, "I'm going to die of embarrassment."

"You and me both babe," Keith laughed.

Keith reached out and opened the door. As soon as the wooden door was opened, Keith's jaw dropped to the ground.

"No... No way," Keith whispered.


"Does this look okay?" You turned around to see Hunk in his usual clothing. Yellow shirt, vest and cargo shorts with his sneakers. You looked up and saw that his headband was a little more flowy than normal.

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