chapter four- a disregard for rules

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LIANA had always broken rules.
It wasn't like she had tried to, more like she would just do what she wanted without thinking first.

In fact she would get detentions for months in Beauxbatons, for things such as exploring the grounds alone at night, she had tried to argue that she was lost, but she had been attending Beauxbatons for a whole month by then which made her excuse hardly plausible.

Perhaps that was why she crept along the dark abandoned corridors at eleven thirty at night with Grey. The siblings trying to reach the sanctuary of the kitchens, where Grey had assured her that they would be safe from the boundaries of authority to continue their plan, also known as, eating as much food as they could while pretending to work.

"Tickle the pear," instructed Grey in a hushed voice as he guided Liana's hand to the painting that he knew blocked the entrance to the kitchen.

"What?"  Liana looked at him with the 'are you serious face?'

"Just do it Liana" Grey rolled his eyes in exasperation. Liana huffed and gently rubbed the canvas while looking unamused at Grey who just smiled infuriatingly back.

"What is this supposed to be doing?" She asked, still running her fingers over the painted pear, which she hadn't yet realise had begun to wriggle and chuckle under her light touch.

"Look," grinned Grey and gesturing behind Liana's head. Liana turned to see the laughing pear from beneath her fingers squirm a little before the painting swung open like a door on hinges.

"Wicked!" She breathed as she stepped through. Grey cast a few shifty glances around for any teachers or prefects on the look out for misbehaving to student at night, which they clearly fit the bill for, but luckily for them the hallways were still empty.

Grey then followed his little sister into the warm, homely light of the Kitchen, the house elves bustling round them.

"Master Holly, did you bring your little sister with you this time sir?" Squeaked a very overexcited looking house elf that came up to about Liana's waist, the girl grinned over at her brother who shifted uncomfortably.

"I only mentioned you once"  he muttered looking down at the ground. He hated any kind of lovey dovey sibling stuff and avoided it like the plague, preferring just to be his usual awkward self.

"Oh come off it, I'm brilliant, I'm sure you spent hours talking about me,"  Liana teased.

"Nice to meet you" she added as she greeted the house elf politely. The house elf practically levitated with excitement.

"my name is Dobby and I is honoured to meet you Miss" Dobby bowed low his ears flopping against the floor and his wide eyes seeming to grow even larger as he took in her appearance.

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