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Aubrey Valentina

After a night long of driving we stop at an old looking house, it was most likely abandoned for the past few years.

"Get out the car, and help with the boxes," Anderson told me.

I obliged and picked up two boxes, bringing them inside. I know it seems weird but I'm kind of used to abrupt decisions made my parents. Since I've gotten older, I realized that my mother and father were not like normal parents. I never was given a packed lunch,  or taken on a fun family trip. I was never tucked in at bedtime.

Instead, I was a servant. I did the cleaning. I would cook the meals. I would play hide and seek with imaginary friends— but I would always be hiding from the monsters I lived with in my mind.

"Where are we?" I ask Barbara in a kind-sounding voice. I have to make sure I don't sound like I have an attitude, or else I'll get some sort of punishment. I prefer for that not to happen so I suck it up and deal with it.

"We are in San Francisco. California." She answers.

I nod my head and pick up the little things I own. I look around the house but can't seem to find the attic. Whenever we would move, I always slept in the attic room.

Maybe there isn't one and I can finally have a bedroom...

"Kid. Where the hell are you going? You're room is downstairs. Here, in the basement," Anderson says as he pulls on my injured arm, leading me towards a set of stairs.

"T-the b-basement?" I stutter, while wincing at the pain he inflicts from my wounded arm.

"Yes. Be grateful you have a room." He sneers before closing the door and locking it.

I walk down the steep, wooden stairs, trying not to fall since the pitch black darkness engulfs my line of view. After a few more steps, I reach the cold concrete floor. I feel the damp walls in order to find a light switch. Once I flip the first switch, a dim yellow light turns on in the corner, and I can finally see what the room looks like.

To put it nicely... no, scratch that. This was even worse than the attic.

There is a bucket collecting water in the corner and a small square table on the other side. I see cobwebs coming from the corners where each wall met. On the floor was nothing but a pile of blankets, a dirty pillow and a few mouse traps. To my left was one small window, covered in moss from the outside.

This is absolutely disgusting.

I put my bag on the dusty table and listen quietly until I hear the front door close upstairs. It's silent so I assume they must have left to get drunk or hugh.

I go up the stairs and twist the door knob. It was old, so with a couple of shakes it unlocked. I walk through the hallway and see Barbara's laptop open and sit in front of it.

In all my years I've only had one escape: school. I know it sounds stupid but it's the only place I can go to to get away from them. I search up the local high-school which seems to be 'Bellmont-Heights High School.'

I click on the link to register and put in any information I know. I call the school and finish up the registration.

My first day will be tomorrow.

• • •

I've never put much into my appearance.

I did the normal stuff: brush my hair and teeth, change my outfit, and put on shoes.

So why am I so worried about what people will think of me now?

It's my first day so I want to look somewhat presentable. My 'parents' never came home last night so I go to their bedroom and look through Barbara's wardrobe. I find a maroon sweater that's in good condition and tan boots. She never wears these, so I doubt it will be an issue. I throw on a pair of one of my jeans and go to the kitchen. There still is no food here but I found a granola bar that hasn't expired yet and eat it.

As I finish my last bite of granola, I check the laptop it says the weather outside is 60°F and it's rainy. I'm going to get so cold walking four miles!

I take some knit gloves and my beanie and walk out the door.

On my long walk to school I plan on doing some research.

I'm going to the library and I'm going to find out who Laura and Stefano Romano are.

• • •

After a long hour-ish of walking I reach the school with what seems like 5 minutes to spare. Thank goodness I planned it out well.

I walk into the building full of teens chatting with their friends and teachers filing into their classrooms before the first bell.

I look over my surroundings and luckily the front office is right here. I walk in and go up to the desk lady.

"Hey Isabella, What can I do for you today?" She asks.

"Um I'm not Isabella," I laugh shyly, "I'm new here. My name is Aubrey  Simpson."

"Oh, my mistake. You look a lot like another student here. Well let me print you your schedule," she says before turning round to the printer.

She smiles and hands me the slip of paper.

I say goodbye before looking at my schedule:

1) AP Biology: 109
2) English III: 206
3) Physical Education: 112
4) Modern US History: 215
5) Creative Writing: 117
6) Spanish II: 102

I think I'm in the 100's hallway so I just have to find room 109. I grip my backpack straps tightly as I see people look up and stare at me. I've always been a tall lanky girl, so on first days I would get these types of looks. It was no surprise. I was a 5 foot 10 inches and was visibly underweight, of course people would stare. Out of nowhere I'm pulled into a hug.

"What happened? I thought you weren't coming to school today," the tall boy says.

I push him away. "What the hell was that for?"


"Who the hell is Kacy?" I ask, but he just stares at me like I'm crazy. He's actually kind of handsome, but not in that way, more like a brotherly sort of way. That makes sense, right?

"I'm Aubrey. Not Kacy... or Isabella." I reply, annoyed. I then turn around into the Biology room.

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