Arc 4.13 Queen Mother

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Arc 4.13 Queen Mother

"I love you, baby."

"I don't ever want to let you go."

Those were the last few words Alex heard before she fell asleep in Nile's arms. When she woke up to see his magnified face so close to hers, she felt conflicted because as stated before, due to their long years together he was the last person she wanted to lead on.

But sex with him feels so great!

She didn't want to part with it at all!

His last sentence sounded as if he were begging her, but of what, she did not know.

Alex quietly observed Nile's sleeping face, his rough figures softened considerably as his thick and shapely eyebrows were more relaxed than normal and his eyelids hid those cold icy orbs of his. Suddenly having the impulse to touch his face, she didn't hold herself back as she brought her thumb to his brow, lightly tracing it before lowering it to the corner of his eye and further down his defined cheekbone, sliding it to his lips that were also swollen like her own.

She was so engrossed in her own exploration and lost in her thoughts as to what to do about Nile's ever-growing feelings for her that she didn't notice the eyes that were observing her gently in silence.

Without thinking, she slipped the tip of her thumb between his lips and into his mouth as she pursed her own lips in deep thought. Alex didn't hate Nile. In fact, she didn't know what she felt for him at all.

"What does it mean, to love someone?" She couldn't help voicing out softly.

Suddenly, Nile nibbled on her finger before licking it faintly like a dragonfly grazing across a river. Surprised by his awakening, Alex attempted to pull away her thumb from his lips, but he brought a hand up to secure her wrist to keep her hand from moving away from his face as he held it up to his cheek.

A pair of pale blue eyes met with an unfathomable pair of darker blue eyes.

"All I know," Nile began, his gaze earnest and deep morning voice full of seriousness, "Is that I want you, every time of the day. To be with you, to hold you in my arms, and for you to want me back."

Alex gulped silently, trying to register his explanation in her head.

"Isn't that just lust?" She questioned, curiosity fully conveyed in her gesture of blinking at him.

Nile chuckled, letting her thin wrist go as he rubbed her messy red hair with his coarse palm, "That's a big part of it, I won't lie to you about that. But," he paused as he enunciated every single word that followed, "I want more than that, I want to occupy your entire heart, mind, and soul. Not just the sex, but my entire being. In return, you will be my everything. Is that not love? Am I being greedy?"

Lying in the warm embrace of Nile's other arm under the heavy blanket, Alex pursed her lips in deep thought before snuggling her head in his broad chest. His heart was beating calmly as his nervousness from last night seemed to have gone off somewhere in the face of the morning, thankfully for Nile. He didn't want his girl to see his weak side. At least, he wasn't ready yet.

"You know," she hesitated, her lips could be felt moving against his pecs, "Nothing has ever occupied my heart, mind, and soul for very long. I'm sure it's the same for you. Are you sure it isn't just a temporar--"

"It isn't," Nile interrupted her as his hold on her head tightened, pulling her closer to himself so that she was practically glued onto his body, "I know, precisely because I've never felt this way before. Towards anyone."

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