Chapter 25- Unforgiving war

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>Harry's POV>

I sat in the cold grass as i stare into the water, Ron and Hermione were sat behind me talking as i thought of Draco.. i haven't seen him in months and i feel alone.. i feel like i'm missing everything.. but i have to focus. i have a task to do and i'm going to get it done.. "i miss him so much" i say hugging my legs, staring at my ring. "look what we have here" a man said behind us as we started walking i gulped and we ran as they ran after us.

We appeared on the outside of Hogwarts's grounds.. a alarm went off and we were pulled into a house as death eaters ran around the streets. Dumbledore's brother talked to us but i didn't listen i just sat there and then the girl in the portrait disappeared and came back with someone, the photo pushed open and i smiled at the boy "Neville, damn you look horrible" i say and he laughed. "everyone will be so happy you're here" he said as we walked through a tunnel, he pushed open the other portrait and cloth like beds hung from the ceiling. "I got something to show you guys" he said proudly as we walked behind him "what now Neville? It can't be that important" Dean groan and Neville stepped out of the way and everyone cheered "HARRY!" they called and i slowly walked down the latter as everyone came to me and hugged me "Harry!" someone called and i looked up after hugging Luna "Draco!" I call and i ran to him and jumped on him and he laughed spinning me slightly "I've missed you so fucking much" i said into his back as he lifted me from the ground "I've missed you more baby" he said kissing my head "It's been hell here" he said and i frowned as he put me down, he put his hands on the bruises on my face and the small cuts, he gently brushed the earth off my face with his thumb and i giggled "Snape is headmaster and he is so strict" Dean said after hugging Hermione "he is the one who gave us these" he said pointing to Neville's face and he nodded "yep and other Slytherins" he said and i sighed and i put my hands around Draco's neck and he put his and around my waist, he pulled my close to his chest "why are you here?" someone said and so i explained what i was doing.

"Guys! Snape knows that Harry is here!" Ginny said running in and everyone bit their lips, "take this" Neville said throwing me a uniform and i pulled it on "come on, he's summoning us" she said and we marched down the stairs like army soldiers. We stood in the great hall, i held my head down. "you all know the reason why i have summoned you. Harry Potter as been noted that he has been on Hogwarts properties. if you know anything step forward." he said coldly, he went on about punishments "like i said, if you know anything about Potter's whereabouts step forward" he said and i pushed lightly through the small line and stood in the path, everyone gasped "Sorry Professor i must say, that your defense isn't that good" i say proudly as the great hall door opened to show the whole order, his face dropped "How dare you stand where he stood, are you going to tell them how he died that night? on the astronomy tower? how he trusted you and you betrayed him? just like my mother?" i say and his face went even paler "just like how my mother died? betrayed by her own friend?" i say and he shook his head and pulled his wand out, Mcgonagall came out of nowhere and pulled her wand and stood in front of me. Everyone gasped and went against the wall. They had a small wand battle and Snape turned into dust and smashed through the window, everyone cheered for Mcgonagall and she turned to me "Potter, there must be a reason you're here" she said softly "yes, i need time. Just as much time as possible" i say and she nodded "also Potter" she said after turning around, she spun back around "it's good to see you" she said and i smiled "you too Professor" i say and she walked off. "Well Get him!" a Slytherin called and Draco stepped in front of me and put and arm around me, others walked out of the groups and stood around me "Flitch, take the Slytherins to the dungeons, as for you all. Help Harry" she said and i smiled, Flitch made the Slytherins leave besides the ones who stood around me. I turn around and Pansy jumped on my and i gasped "Hey Pans" i say hugging her and she squeezed me, was she... crying? "Pans are you crying" i whispered and she pulled back, her eyes were puffy and her nose was red "no" she said weakly and i smiled, i hugged her tightly and let go. I patted her head and she laughed wiping her face. 

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