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Simon's POV
     "I think Artzy's getting a little to drunk." Ethan laughed pointing out something no one had noticed. 

     "You good?" JJ asked slurring his words slightly as he was tipsy also. 

     Artzy hiccuped and laughed for no reason. "I'll be back." 

     Slowly she got up and walked out of the room. I don't know why anyone didn't go with her. Maybe it was the fact that we were to drunk or maybe it was that we didn't think anything would go wrong. But oh were we in for a treat. I thought I heard the front door creek but I ignored it thinking i was hearing things. About a minute later we heard the noise of a car in the driveway. We all stopped and Tobi stumbled to the window. For once he had gotten tipsy to. 

     "Guys?" He hiccuped, "Artzy's car is gone."  

     Everyone went into a panic. Not only did she not know how to drive well. she was drunk. Despite JJ being tipsy he jumped up and sprinted outside, the rest of us following. Hopping into someone's car, I don't exactly remember, we followed her green mustang down the road. She was going well over the speed limit, and way to fast for us to catch up. Suddenly all you could see was fire and flames. We stopped the car and ran to the sidewalk. No one could see what exactly happened besides 2 faint outlines of cars. Through the fire I saw a familiar green car slowly turning a dark grey. 

     "Artzy's in there!" I yelled running into the street. 

     Someone held my hand and stopped me as the firemen put out the raging fire that had accumulated over the 2 cars. Someone who I had assumed to be a medic came over to us. 

    "Are you family members of anyone involved in this?" He asked. 

     "We are her friends." Vikk spoke up. 

     "I'm her fiancé!" I choked out unable to say much. 

     Recently I proposed to Artzy so tonight was everyone's way of saying congratulations. Guess it didn't turn out great.

     So that's what happened. Now let me explain how it was before.

     I knew I liked Artzy the day she moved into the Sidemen House. And I guess she felt the same to. Shortly we were dating and I instantly fell in love. Her sparking green eyes and the way she smiled when she saw me was all I needed to know that she was mine. JJ didn't approve at first and strongly encouraged her to break up with me. Regardless of his pleads we were still together, 4 years to be exact. 5 days before the 'accident' I proposed, and surprisingly she said yes. JJ helped me plan everything out. Including lights in a clearing just outside the house and looking at the stars. (Reference to "Werewolves")
     Now back to what I was saying. 5 days before the accident, I proposed. JJ still blames himself to this day, But I know it was my fault. He always says 

     "I shouldn't have gotten drunk, I shouldn't have." 

     And yet no one brings up the topic. It was different before though. Jide didn't look out for Artzy as much as he does now. I used to be her 'knight in shining armor', but he took my place.  After the accident, JJ told everyone not to mention anything because it could trigger any old memories. Everyone had asked why, but he didn't tell us. Figures out later, someone had put something in her drink we bought earlier today, that made her go a little bit more crazy than normal. It took me months and constant scolding from Jide for me to try and forget what happened before. It took Artzy a while to. She stayed in her room for weeks on end trying to remember. It wasn't healthy. No matter how many days I wanted to go and say what happened I couldn't. That's was when JJ became her savior. He constantly got her out of trouble and her slight clumsiness only got worse throughout the months following. I hadn't intended to become mean to Artzy but JJ told me to forget who I was before and make a new me, one that didn't like Artzy. I guess I took it to far and overdid my act to the point where I forgot about who I was before, just like he asked. The day on the swings, when I asked Artzy to meet me at the park is when I finally realized what I was doing. Sure I noticed something wasn't right before, but when she got lost in my eyes, I knew this wasn't right. That's when everything came crashing down around me. All the walls I put up before to stop myself  from remembering we're gone. It was overwhelming. I started to recall things the fake person I used to be wouldn't have known. Like how she sometimes struggled with bad thoughts and how fragile Artzy was. Oh what a bad person I was. You may ask how the viewers responded to Artzy being in a car crash. Well....they never knew much about her. We thought it was for the best and turns out it was. Everything kind of lead up to now. There were other things I told Artzy that I didn't include but you'll find those out later.


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