⚫Chapter 13⚫

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I awoke to a strange sensation on my arm, only to see Kenna standing there. Before I could react or even utter a word, she jabbed a needle into me, and a sudden paralysis gripped my body. Panic surged as I realized I couldn't move or speak.

Kenna swiftly picked me up, carrying my limp body out of my room. The hallway stretched before us, and I desperately wanted to scream, to alert my roommates, but my voice was trapped in my paralyzed throat. I sensed the danger closing in, a realization that echoed the warnings from my dad, Blaike, and Nathan. They had been right all along – Kenna wasn't the person she appeared to be.

As we passed my friends' doors, I could feel their presence behind the walls, oblivious to the danger. My heart raced, and silent pleas for help echoed in my mind. Kenna's steps were like a slow march, each one taking me further from safety.

The fear intensified as we descended down the stairs. Despite the overwhelming fear, a flicker of determination ignited within me. I couldn't let myself be taken without a fight. I strained against the paralysis, focusing every ounce of my willpower on regaining control of my body.

Just as we reached the front door, a guttural sound escaped my throat, breaking through the silence. Kenna paused, her gaze narrowing. Summoning every ounce of strength, I let out a muffled scream. It was a desperate attempt to alert anyone in our cabin that I was in danger.

Kenna hesitated, her grip tightening on my paralyzed form. Entering the cool night air, I struggled against the paralyzing effects of the unknown injection, doing my utmost to break free from her grip.

She flashed a grin at me before shutting the trunk door. My heart raced as I sensed the car's movement. We were departing from the cabin, and a wave of regret washed over me. I realized I had placed my trust in someone I barely knew. How could the one human friend I had made turn out to be so cruel?

A chill ran down my spine, and it wasn't solely due to the cold. The realization that I was utterly alone, without even my phone, intensified the shivers. Would I have any chance to reach out to my friends? Where was she taking me? The uncertainty hung in the air, adding to the growing anxiety.


"Where's Leilani?" Saphira asked once she made it downstairs. It was now the morning and everyone was getting ready to eat breakfast. "Maybe she's in the bathroom or outside," Blaike said. "She's not upstairs," Saphira immediately responded.

Blaike shrugged his shoulders indicating that he had no clue where their friend could be before bringing the fruit bowl into the next room. Saphira exited the house to look for her. She headed to the back of the cabin where the swing was situated and couldn't find her. She looked onto the lake thinking maybe she decided to go canoeing on her own. She circled the cabin before heading back inside.

"I don't see Kenna either," Neha pointed out as soon as she saw Saphira. Immediately Saphira's heart dropped. "Wait what?" Jasper emphasized. "You can't find Leilani?"

Everyone looked at each other with confused faces. The music was immediately paused as the close group of friends began to converse.

"She must be somewhere," Julian replied. Nathan rushed up the stairs and entered her room. He found that Leilani's phone was still there and all of her belongings too. He exited her room to see Indigo and Violet exiting Kenna's room. He felt a bit of fear realizing that no one knew where she was.

"Kenna's belongings are gone. It was as if she was never here," Indigo stated.

"This doesn't make sense," Nathan replied. They descended down the stairs to see the rest of their friends with puzzled faces. As they began to converse about what could've possibly happened, a tired Elias came down the stairs yawning.

LEILANI ***Under Editing***Where stories live. Discover now