Chapter 2 {Regrets At Night}

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Rome, Italy.

Luciano's POV:

Sometimes, everyone needed to escape their bittersweet reality and Luciano always needed to escape his with being successful at his business. He was known for his success in the mafia at the age of seventeen while other teenagers were partying while their parents were losing their mind at home from worry, Luciano was working and had no one to care about him—even though his family was alive.

"Missione completa, cagna! (Mission complete, b*tch!)" Luciano stated proudly, holding a briefcase with one million dollars in it. He had earned the money with his cousin Dante when they had shipped goods like guns and drugs to America. "This is crazy bro, stiamo andando a scopare alcune femmine stasera. (We are going to f*ck some bitches tonight.) " Dante said as the cousins looked at the almost endless amount of dollars in the briefcase, "Hell yes." Luciano replied before his phone started to ring.

He looked at the caller ID, "Cazzo! (F*ck!)" He cursed as he saw his father's name on the screen, "Si? (Yes?)" He answered, keeping his voice cold and monotone as the smirk was wiped off of his face, being replaced by a cold straight line. "Why do you always call me when you need something from me?!" He yelled into the line, starting to smirk as he could sense the anger of his father boiling inside him. Suddenly, his smirk fell, "I'm coming." He muttered as he gave Dante the briefcase, "Take care of this, cugino. I'll be back. (cousin.)" He said, adding more confusion to Dante's face.

"Hell no! I am coming with you, uncle is surely going to do something crazy." Dante objected, knowing that his uncle who is Luciano's father always humiliated him with doing crazy things, "Stay here, Dante. I will deal with him alone." Luciano said aggressively as he pointed his gun at Dante, "You love me too much to shoot me, bro." Dante smirked as he stared right into his eyes, Luciano sighed as he put the gun back, making his way to his father with Dante following him. "Piccola cagna! (Little bitch!)" Luciano growled stubbornly, which made Dante laugh.

Luciano walked over to his Lambo, throwing the briefcase in the backseat, he entered his car and let the engine roar. He drove towards the mansion he shares with his family, looking over to the rearview mirror, he saw Dante following right after him and decided to drive a lot faster as he switched lanes.

He parked his car into the garage with his other Lamborghini cars and made his way towards the house, already hearing female screams, he picked up his pace as he ran inside. "Che cazzo sta succendendo? (What the fuck is going on?)" He yelled as he kicked off the door to see three girls kneeling down as his father and his men were pointing guns at them, he looked around to find his mother kneeling down as she whimpered, he noticed that his father was pointing his gun right at his mother's forehead.

His father turned his head in his direction, a sadistic smirk playing on his lips, "Ah, hello caro figlio. (Dear son)" He slurred as if he was drunk, "Come here." He ordered, Luciano walked towards him, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Mama, stand up." He yelled, feeling a gun pointed at him, he smiled sadistically as he thought of his father's blood dripping down his hands.

"Go ahead, tell him what you've done to deserve this tesoro. (Treasure.)" His father demanded with a sickening sweet voice, which made her whimper as she began to speak, "I'm so sorry, I have let these girls in, who were seeking shelter from your father, Luciano." She whimpered and gasped as his father pulled her hair roughly in order to get her up.

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