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At Pops...

(Archie's POV)

"they should be here by now. what's going on?"
Buzz Buzz
"it's veronica. i'll be right back" i went outside to answer the call...
"hey arch. we're running a minute late so can u order us fries and a milkshake. i'll pay you when we get there"
"we're not here to have 'fries and a milkshake'. we're here to have a conversation."
"fine fine fine. we're on our way" then she hung up. i walked back inside and went to our table.
"so archie. what did she say?"
"she said to get her food. like we're here to have a conversation i don't know what's up with her."
"umm. she's here."

(A.N. sry for a VERY SHORT chapter but i needed to post something)

A Secret  (Jughead X Archie) - A Riverdale FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now