A Bag's Purpose

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Why am I here?

Do I have a purpose?

I don't understand what happened. One day I'm flying free and the next I'm being taken from my friend. . .

I guess I should start from the beginning.

Everything was noisy. Big machines and loud clanks are what made me along with my thousands of siblings. We all look the same but some of us have color and other have none. I honestly didn't see them much because gloved hands shoved me into a dark box.

When it opened again I was in a bright building full of groceries and toys. Kids laughed as they moved through the line purposefully and I wondered if I would ever have a purpose in life.

My time came for me to be loaded and tossed into a cart like the rest of us. It was my turn to be taken home and find the meaning of my existence.

I got put into the bed of a truck along with several others like me. My new home awaited me, only I didn't make it that far. The truck sped down the road and I could feel my innards coming out. I tried my best to hold on but I don't have any arms. All too soon I was empty once again.

My future home slipped away from me as a gust of air pushed me higher and higher.

Flying wasn't too bad. The cars almost got me a few times and steering clear of birds was much harder than I expected but I was free nonetheless.

The wind became salty as I neared the biggest body of water anyone could ever imagine. Beautiful blue hues swept over the landscape. However, as nice as it was to look at, I didn't want to touch it. I was content flying around but that was not my purpose either.

Making the tiniest ripple, I landed in the sea and began to float. With no wings to fly and no arms to swim, I had no choice but to be swept away from the shore.

I watched sadly as the only place I had known slipped away from me.

Days pass as I slowly sink to the ocean floor. What purpose could I possibly have here? It's dark, cold and lonely at the bottom. However, as I'm about to give up, I make a friend.

In my short life, I've done many things but making friends wasn't one of them. I called him Sparkles because that's what his skin did under the moonlight. He swallowed me the way I did the groceries and for a while I was safe along with the other bags he collected. Sparkles sometimes coughed until he never stopped coughing. Then one day, he stopped altogether.

Before I knew it, sunlight found me again as more gloved hands brought me back to land. I was wrapped up and taken to a big fire where I was melted down into another bag.

Is this my purpose?


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