The First Time

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*Camren's POV*
Fifth Harmony is a word I always hear out of my mother's mouth every day. She was in the band for 10 years, and it was pretty much my whole childhood. They broke up last year, but all the girls wanted to make another album so they are back together for another album, hopefully everyone will actually want to do it. 

My name is Camren Karla Jauregui, my mom is married but I just took her maiden name. Lauren and Matthew are my parents and have been for 6 years.My father Brad and my mom broke up when I was 6 years old. I've spent so much time with Matthew I call him dad. He claims me as his daughter.I'm an only child, and will be starting 6th grade. I will be in a completely new school than the one I went to, and was used to for five years now. We used to live in California, but the kids used to make fun of me because I was nothing like they expected a famous person's child to act, so we came back to Miami over the summer and we are hoping the kids here will be nicer.

On my first day I walked into class. My teacher's name is Mrs. Blanie.
We walked in and she stated "Please stand at the front of the class until the bell rings, and then I will give you assigned seats."
All the kids had their own groups and I stood by myself in my ripped jeans and cropped tee shirt.

One of the "Popular' girls said "You're not punk rock." 

I rolled my eyes and fixed mt leather jacket, waiting for the bell to ring.

Once the bell rang Mrs. Blanie shut the door "Alright listen for your name, and don't complain about your seats just sit down." 

"Jessica, Amy, Nick....Camren."

I was in the back of the room. Thank god. I waited for who was next to me, and she said 


Nobody sat down. She must been absent. Once she finished placing all the students in there seats she was getting ready to start the lesson, and the door opened. 

A girl appeared in skater dress heels and a bow on her head.

"I am so sorry i'm late my mom forget about school and my bow wouldn't go on my head."

The kids were smiling at her. Mrs. Blanie said "Go sit in the back, by Camren."

Of course this was Michelle.

She came back to me and shook my hand "I'm Michelle."

I smiled "I'm Camren."

 I thought all morning...I know this girl, I couldn't think of who she was..When the lunch bell rang I went to my locker and i tried to figure out who this girl was. As i was walking away from my locker, I heard my name "Camren wait for me!" I turned around and it was Michelle.

"Hey Michelle."

"Hey i know you're new here so how about I take you lunch. I've toured this whole school, and we can eat outside together."

I followed Michelle outside and she pulled her phone out when we sat down outside under a tree. 

"I have to text my mom and make sure she made it to work on time, she used to be in a band, and  they are making a new album since she was late with me I have to make sure she made it to work on time, I'm supposed to check on her i pretty much raised her instead of her raising me."

 I stopped eating "Wait your mom was in a band?"

"Yeah, it sounds weird but she was."

I kept looking and Michelle I finally asked her name. "What's your full name Michelle?"

"Michelle Sofi Cabello I used to have my dad's last name too until my parents got a divorce."

I started freaking out "OH MY GOD! Your mom is Camila Cabello!!"

Michelle kinda moved away from me. "Are you okay?"

"I am so sorry just i thought I knew you, and you might know me too, once I say my name I am,  Camren Karla Jauregui."

 Michelle dropped her phone "Oh my god. I knew you looked familiar!" Wait how come it took us 11 years to meet?"

"Michelle, I know this story. Your mom and my mom used to have a ship name Camren back when Fifth Harmony was getting popular and my mom didn't like it, it used to upset her,she wanted nothing more than a friendhip with your mom. so once the rumours got too much she got engaged to Brad (my dad) and Camila stayed distant from my mom, and then my mom got preganant she watched YouTube videos of Camren, and she missed how her and Camila were and in that time Camila got pregnant with you, and I was born March 6th Camila's birth month, and you were born June 9th Lauren's birth month. And my mom wanted that friendship back and she knew it wouldn't be the same so she named me Camren and since Since Karla is your mom's real name I got that for my middle name, and your mom named you Michelle, because it had to do with my mom's middle name, our parents were okay with the name,and when we were first born Camila you and my mom and I all got photos together. Then when you were 6 your mom got a divorce to Austin, and my mom stepped in to help you, but it was during school and i stayed in school while my dad and aunt Allyson babysat me, and everything was okay until last year when they got into a huge fight over stuff that was said during the interview, they all wanted to do the album, so they both agreed to do it, but they won't talk much. Since they started recording my mom refuses to see your mom. They record at different times just so they don't have to see each other."

Michelle gasped "I never knew that story, my mom has been kind of on edge ever since the divorce, so i've had to really help her out. I have to help her raise my little sister Brooke. 

I sighed "I was the first Fifth Harmony child so I mean i know a lot about the kids but I met you when we were little because I have pictures, but honestly I don't remember it, and I wish i did though because I never had friends my age back in California because all the kids hated me because of my mom and they used to say things that would upset me, and my dad eventually had it and him and my mom got into a fight over bringing me back to Miami but they both agreeded to move back and here I am in Miami Florida."

Michelle picked her phone up and said "I'm coming over after school, and your mom and my mom can meet up when my mom picks me up, and they will talk and there will be a reunion."

"Do you actually think your mom will pick you up from my house?" 

She smiled "Duh Camren she doesn't know that its your house so of course."

"Okay Michelle, my dad said he would pick me up, and since my dad has the night off i'm sure he won't mind that you're staying with me."

Michelle and I stood up and I hugged her, "Camren?"


"Can we order pizza and chicken nuggets tonight?"

I smiled "Of course we can.

Michelle was definitely the daughter of Camila Cabello.

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