Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

M E A N I N G F U L L M I S T A K E S Chapter Seventeen

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I hate school. I hate school. I hate school.

"How's the whole Jake situation going?" Hunter asks when he joins my side. We're slowly trudging down the Lacewood High halls.

"He was still asleep on the couch when I left." My words are blunt. I don't want to be thinking about Jake now.

Every time I think about it, all I hear is him raising his voice at me several times, and that he won't open to us so we can help without getting him in legal trouble.

William decided to stay home with him. My best friend is intent on making sure Jake is okay. We're all worried since there is a lot of mystery to what he had taken. We won't know until he speaks.

I miss my friend- Jake who would tell the most terrible jokes, but we would still laugh. The Jake who always smiled. The Jake that holds my hand when I'm scared. Jake who always has an odd fact to tell us.

"You didn't want to stay with him too?" No.

I can tell he's referencing the confusing status between Jake and I. A part of me is shocked that I had told Hunter that he kissed me.

I feel terrible for complicating things. "No? I wanted to go to school, and William said he'll handle him." I lean against my locker once we reach it. There's still ten minutes to class since I left early to walk.

Hunter let's go a loud sigh and he stands in front of me- blocking the view of the school students that slowly wander by.

"You don't seem concerned that much. I'm surprised to hear that you chose coming to school over staying with him."

"I am concerned," I quickly say with a quiet voice, "it's just- it's a lot to take in right now. He's never yelled at me or used that tone with me. I'm angry at him, but I know I shouldn't be. I feel like a terrible friend-"

"You're not a terrible friend, Lollipops." That damned nickname. "You're allowed to feel however you like. No one can tell you otherwise. But, if it takes you feel better, I'm not opposed to buying you a milkshake to throw at him."

Of course he isn't. My eyes roll. "If you keep bringing that up,  I'll buy one just to throw at you."

"I wouldn't mind."

When Hunter smiles, I can feel the blood under my skin heating like it had yesterday. I don't know why my body has been doing this, or why I feel as if I can't get enough air to breathe.

I wonder if he feels this way too. If he's hands start to go clammy, if he's face burns, or if he's legs start to feel weak. It's such a foreign feeling that I'm unaware of why it happens.

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