chapter six- red and orange sparks

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LIANA sat in potions and for the first time in her life, she genuinely felt like she hated someone.

Severus Snape had taken approximately five minutes to harbor his dislike for Liana, despite the fact that her two older siblings had been his best pupils, though Snape had disregarded them too.

But Professor Snape truly seemed to hate Liana.

"What is his problem?" Asked Liana with annoyance as Snape brushed past her again, looking down his hooked nose at her.

Harry sighed "he hates everyone Liana, I wouldn't take it too personally" he pushed his glasses up his nose as he looked back down at his lime green coloured and very incorrect potion, wondering how on earth he was supposed to fix it.

"Oh but I'm taking it very personally," she grumbled and took careful time to flick a puffapod seed at the back of Snape's head. She didn't like the disrespect Snape was treating her with and she hadn't even caused any trouble yet.

Snape whirled around at once when he felt the small, sharp object come into contact with the back of his greasy head, but the second he looked around, Liana was innocently trying to help Neville with his potion and bickering loudly with Draco Malfoy who had just swaggered in.

"If you say one more foul word about Buckbeak you snake, I swear to Merlin I'm going to jinx you so hard you'll-" but she was cut off by Ron helpfully clapping a hand over her mouth.

"What was that Holly, I could barely hear you over the pure agony of my arm" smirked Malfoy at the red faced girl desperately battling Ron, who now had her in a headlock to stop her throwing herself at Malfoy.

"Liana please just act natural," Neville begged nervously under his breath as the shadow of Snape fell over them.

"Orange Longbottom?" Snape drawled as he spotted the potion that Neville had been praying he wouldn't notice.

Ron lowered his head and took to scowling at Malfoy as he was forced to cut up his ingredients for him, hissing under his breath for Malfoy to shut up about Hagrid and Sirius Black.

Meanwhile Harry's fist was clenched around his ladle so tightly Hermione had to squeal to stop him snapping it in two and submerging his hand in his potion.

"Tell me Longbottom, does anything penetrate that thick skull of yours-"

Snape tossed Neville's stirring spoon down on the desk roughly and Neville flushed scarlet and looked down at his feet in shame.

"Tell me boy, what do I have to do to make you understand?" He spat at Neville who wouldn't take his eyes off the ground.

Liana, who had been foolishly released from Ron's grip turned on Snape.

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