I'm tired / More suspicion

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Shayla's pov~

God these people won't let me do anything for myself. It's always Shayla do you need this or just hovering around me like all the damn time.

I know I should be loving it, let them because lords knows that my husband or my family would do anything for me.

And the biggest thing that was really bothersome. Is that I couldn't go out as in outside alone or if at all.

I was given the run down on how I needed protection from my husband blah blah blah....

But by the looks on their faces, I sometimes when they're speaking in hush tones and being so secretive and whatnot. It had me constantly wondering if they're lying to me, or something else going on. Plus the dream I had about an young guy materializing through a wall. It felt so real, I even spoke about it to Kiet. He chalked it down to me being on edge because of what I've been through.

And I haven't talk him about it since. Another was that same young guy kept staring at me. His eyes said he had or wanted to tell me something but he hasn't yet. Now as I was watching TV in the sitting room. I felt someone walk in, low and behold it was him. He sat in the recliner across from me, as I watched TV he was staring at me again. And when I looked over to catch him the act. He was caught off guard by me saying.

" Okay look kid, Let me ask you something ? "

But he looked at me like he never had spoken to an girl or woman before. His vibes and actions that lead me to this conclusion. So I put my anger in check, being careful not scare him off or anything.

" I'm just asking okay. No need to leave. What's your name by the way ? "

He took a moment, it looked like he was internalizing things in his mind then he spoke.

" I'm Jordan, my name is Jordan, " He replied shyly.

And I thought " Aww " because the way he was acting.

" You don't have to be afraid of me. I just asked you a question. "

" I'm not afraid, " he bit out.

Whoa ! I struck a nerve. What does he have up his butt. I was just trying to get some information.

" Okay now we established that you're not scared. But my actual question is. Why are you always staring at me ? Like what's that all about is what wanna know ? "

Then he started to look to anywhere besides my face. Then his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. He was clearly struggling trying come up with an answer. And some anger started to roll in but just a little because I was getting a little annoyed.

" Okay Jordan. What's really going on around here ? "

He wiped a hand down his face, looked anywhere but my face again. Then he stopped, started to staring again, was about to open his mouth when Kiet came in telling us it was time for dinner.

I was so close. I just wanted answers.


Jisoo's pov~

As I walked farther into Elder Luo's quarters. I heard voices come from the meeting room which ever elder has. I only went to him first because he used to be friends with grandparents.

Well to put it factual he a long time friend of my grandmother, they were Nightmare collectors, partners so to speak. It might not help but I had to at least try for Shayla sake as well as mine.

When I turned the corner, my presence was known by infrared beam that scanned me as I came towards the meeting room door. And his guests looked in my direction then looked back for Elder Luo's confirmation.

" You two are dismissed. Hello Ji soo what do I owe the pleasure ? " he said to me after the others had left the room. And I stood there waiting for him to tell me to sit. I didn't want to be rude.

" Please sit child, " Elder Luo gestured to the chair to the left of him. And I sat down immediately.

" Elder Luo I need your help. I have to get to Earth. It'll take someone with your power to see to this. "

" After all this time your asking for permission. I know what you've been up, " he said his all too knowing look, smirking in process.

" Yeah I'm sorry for the unsanctioned visits to Earth, going off perimeter but those were needed giving the situation, " I stated hoping he hasn't found about the other things I've been doing.

" Hmm so what you're telling me to give you an free pass. Because of family relations and rank. Or have you forgotten that you've been using an machine that has been shut down due it's hurtful repercussions. The one your grandparents invented to combat to not going to Earth but directly into dreams to minimize casualties or just to send less of us out into the field. "

Damn he found me out. How can I convince him to let go now.

Seeing my plight, " Knowing your grandmother she'd just jump right in, think later but your grandfather, he was more of an planner, always thought about safety so that's why that machine was made. Because going to Earth does something to our kind. It's one of the reasons why we have to have the special mineral for our collectors. Even though back then it was becoming scarce, we had to look elsewhere for it. Earth was one of the sources but it wasn't strong enough, so that's when the machine was introduced, perfected to find other sources, planets even when your grandparents invention failed.

But the " Black " happened around the same time. It took a lot of collectors to help to fight in that war. And we successfully thought we put it to bed but we were wrong.

Well I had to put a little history lesson out there. And another thing this book will be ending soon. I don't know right now how many chapters are left.

 I don't know right now how many chapters are left

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