Chapter 19

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Cameron P.O.V

It's a chilly night but I don't regret being here. Itzamary is asleep next to me, cuddle right by my left side.. I covered her legs with a blanket and she fell asleep. This isn't the most comfortable place to sleep but it's not bad. I look down on Itzamary and I can't help but touch her face. I gently move her hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. I stare at her for a moment. She's so beautiful, her lips are so full and just so cute.. and she has thoes freckles that drive me crazy. I sigh, she's not going to be here all the time she's going to UCDAVIS in a day or two.. I really don't want her to leave, but her education is first.. plus I can always go visit and so can she. I smile and look up, Itzamary,  you've become so much to me in such little to no time. I slowly untangle my self from her and get off the hood. I open the back door of my car and go get Itzamary. As I grab her in my arms I can't help but laugh, I thought the world would be heavier than this.. then again she's my world so no matter what I'll love her. As I gently put her in the backseat I can't help but let my eyes travel her body. She's so perfect. I get in my car and start driving home, it's 2 a.m already and it feels like it has just started.

Gabbie P.O.V

Well dinner was so awkward, Nash wouldn't let me sit next to Jack G and I was thankful yet so dissapointed. Most conversation was with Jack J who turns out to be a very funny guy. They also do vines, I wonder how I didn't come across them before.. Nash was being weird, not jealous weird but protective weird and I thought it was so cute, but I know what I'm doing Nash, I think. Then the backseat with Jack G was so intense.. I can feel the energy around us all I wanted was to throw myself at him and make him mine. I'm not sure why I'm thinking this.. he would give me these looks that just awaken some parts of me. Now here I sit it's 1 a.m and I'm watching 3 boys do random shit. I can't keep my eyes off of Jack G.. then he looks up and walks to me sitting right next to laying his hand right on my thigh.. my heart just stopped.

"So I was thinking Gabbie.. can I have your number?" he says handing me his phone, I look at him and he smiles "I just want to be friends and get to know you better." I sigh because I too want to know you better plus I definitely want to see more of him. I punch in my number and hand him back his phone. He finally removes his hand off my thigh, giving me a smirk. This boy is so much to handle.

Jack G P.O.V

I was so tempted to ride my hand up her thigh but I knew she wouldn't give me her number if I did.. there will be plenty of time for that later. I will feel every piece of her..

"Dude, I forgot my phone at our apartment! " JJ tells me. I was about to say Oh, well when he says 'Can you please go get it, I need it, and I can't go because I'm helping Nash!" that's when I got the idea.

"Gabbie will you please come with me, I don't want to go by myself." I say giving her my best please face. She looks like she's having a battle with herself but after a few seconds she just nods yes. Finally I'll get her alone. I grab her hand and lead her towards the door, as soon as we're out of the apartment and straight to my car I'm trying to figure out what kind of girl Gabbie is, innocent or the freak.. I'm leaning towards innocent. We get into my car and start driving.

"So how old are you?"

"18 and you?"

"Same, I just turned 18 actually in this month of September." Score, she's not underage but just perfect. When Gabbie says. "So I'm 6 months older than you? My birthday is in February... " I turn to look at her and she's smiling.. I've never noticed but she has dimples and damn is that so adorable.

"Well I've never dated an older woman, care to be the first?" and she laughs throwing her head back and I can't help but smile. The whole ride to the apartment has been quiet but I know as soon as I enter the apartment,  it's going to get a whole lot louder.

Cameron P.O.V

As I was carrying Itzamary up who I've tried to awake with no success I realized I haven't cooked for her.. hmm maybe I will cook for her tomorrow morning, she'll love it. I struggle to open the door but I do it I walk in to see Nash and Jack J sitting down by the computer working on something. They both turn and I could see Nash was irrated.

"Hey, where's Jack G? And Gabbie? " maybe she's asleep..

"She went with Jack G to get this idiot phone." I almost drop Itzamary.. WHAT?!

"Nash why did you let her go?!"

"Cameron I didn't know she had left! He told me after they left! I tried texting her but she left her phone here." I shake my head and walk away. Jack G isn't good for Gabbie. He'll break her heart and I don't want that for her. I walk into my room that both Gabbie and Itzamary are using and I set her down and she stirs.

"Cameron?  Where are we?" she asks quietly.

"Where back home, go to sleep my princess." I say walking back..

"No, stay, cuddle with me, please?" How can I resist thay cuteness. So I walk back to my bed take off my shoes and go under the cover with itzamary and slowly fall asleep to the breathes of the girl who is my entire world.

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