Chapter 8

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Damage control.

I'm in serious need of some.

To say that the idea of facing Jennie right now makes me want to vomit more than the alcohol I consumed last night would be a gigantic understatement.

The way I see it though, there's clearly two choices laid out before me.

One, stay in my room until Jennie gets the hint and leaves my apartment so I don't have look at her and remember all the cringe worthy things I did last night

Or two, gather up the last shred of dignity that I'm clinging to and show Jennie that even though I'm mortified beyond belief, being with her is worth confronting my own embarrassment.

Some people might say I should give up now before I do anything else stupid.

I would tell those people to take a long walk off a short pier.

My dad always tells me that I have gumption; it's time to prove him right.

I have a few different fires to put out but I also have a raging headache, not a good combination.

I decide to tackle that problem first. I make a beeline for my bathroom and scrounge around until I find the big bottle of Aspirin I keep for occasions just like this one.

Not that I drink like a lush a lot or anything.

After downing three pills and brushing my teeth, I do feel just a smidgen better. With my mind coming back into focus, I grab my phone so I can tackle issue number two.

That is until I get another flash of me giving Jennie a lap dance and the horrified expression on her face.

I swallow away my mortification as best I can as I press number three on my speed dial.

"Oh my god, where in the tarnation are you?" Tarnation? Rose isn't even from the south, I guess she's really taking the no swearing thing seriously. "And more importantly you so owe me for covering for you with your dad."

"Good morning to you too." I whisper in case Jennie can hear me.

"Why are you whispering?" Rose asks. I go to respond but my dear friend is too excited to let me get a word in edge wise. "Man, your dad was so pissed when you didn't show up for work today. He was ranting and raving about how irresponsible you are but thanks to my quick thinking I got you out of the doghouse. Aren't I the best?"

I roll my eyes even though Rose can't see me. "Yes, you are so incredibly amazing I thank god everyday for bringing you into my life."

"You are such a bi..." Damn almost had her! "Witch. After we hang up I'm going to march into your dad's office to tell him that you blew off work and that meeting I told him you were attending was just a big lie."

I so don't have the time or the patience to deal with Rose theatrics right now. "I'm sorry, very sorry." I tell her in my most sincere voice. "And I really appreciate you covering for me, you're a great friend."

"Darn tootin' I am." Rose replies, she's such a sucker for flattery. "So, can I assume your meeting with Jennie went well last night and that's why you're extremely late for work today?"

Oh, how very wrong she is.

Like on scale from one to ten, one being...gah, enough with the freaking rating of things Jisoo, focus!

"I don't have time to explain, I just wanted to call and see how much trouble I was in and thanks to you, I'm not in any." Fire number two has been put out, on to fire number three. "I'll call you back in a little while to explain what happened." Rose starts ranting and raving about how she needs details and how mean I am for not providing her with some. I can't listen to her incessant chatter anymore so I thank her a third time for lying for me and then I disconnect the call.

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