1.1.9: Zhou Elder's Orders - EDITED

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When Xiao Yunhua closed the door, she took a deep breath and clenched her fists. Whisking her body to the dimensional space, she immediately saw Xiao Taotao appear with a smile on her face.

"Need anything?" Xiao Taotao asked, to which Xiao Yunhua nodded fervently.

"Is there anything that can cure Han Mi?"

Xiao Taotao nodded, "There is."

"Where is it? Show me please!"

Xiao Taotao snapped her fingers and a vial of clear elixir appeared before Xiao Yunhua. When Xiao Yunhua tried to reach for it, her hand went right through the vial. Her eyes widened in shock until Xiao Taotao explained, "The Infinity Cure can cure anything and everything. Unfortunately..." Xiao Taotao sighed. "Unfortunately, it costs one thousand points for each vial."

"B-But I don't have any points!" Xiao Yunhua stuttered. "Can I have it anyway?"

"Sorry," Xiao Taotao shook her head and snapped her fingers again, making the vial disappear. "it's against the rules to give away things that require points."

Xiao Yunhua felt helplessness filling her chest as she began to beg the little fairy for the vial. But no matter how much she pleaded, the little fairy was firm when it came to the rules.

"Could I get a loan of points? Or a negative? Something, please! Han Mi can't die yet!" Xiao Yunhua pleads were met with a shaking of the little fairy's head.

"Host, please listen to this little one's advice," Xiao Taotao had never had a host that actually became attached to a person in a world; this host was peculiar in many ways, including this one. "do not get attached to any person in your travels... It is very pointless as they'll fall into the cycle of reincarnation and you," Xiao Taotao hesitated but continued, "you've got a long journey ahead."

Xiao Yunhua paled and averted her gaze. Even the little fairy was telling her to let go, but how could she be so detached regarding the only person that has cared for her?

"No way!" Her stubbornness wasn't going to change, but Xiao Taotao had seen stubbornness in other hosts, too, even though they all ended up losing that trait. So the little fairy only sighed as she regarded Xiao Yunhua in hidden pity.

"Then host must find a different way to save Han Mi, for this little one will ruthlessly have to decline your request." Xiao Taotao snapped her fingers again, but this time, it caused Xiao Yunhua to forcefully exit the dimensional space. Due to that, Xiao Yunhua found herself in the exact same spot as before, the hospital.

She glanced around and saw that Qiang Yue was quickly striding somewhere. Wanting to ask him if there was a way that her life could be extended, even by a few years, she opened her mouth to call out his name, but she paused. In the room that he entered, he saw Qiang Luo impatiently walking back in forth in what seemed like anticipation.

She immediately felt like something fishy was going on, so she summoned her body to the dimensional space again. When Xiao Taotao saw her, she widened her eyes. "Host—"

"I'm not here to request again, I just need for my physical body to be here. My soul needs to do something out in the real world."

Xiao Taotao nodded as Xiao Yunhua's soul immediately appeared in the hospital again. When she stood in front of people, they couldn't see her at all, like she was some kind of ghost!

Xiao Yunhua quickly went through the walls and began eavesdropping on Qiang Luo and Qiang Yue's conversation.

"Is that woman your patient?" Qiang Luo asked with impatience.

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