18: After the party.

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The five of us- mum, dad, aunt, Harper and i were dressed and ready for the dinner at Jayden's place.

As we neared Clair's place, I saw two parked cars, expensive cars, if I might add at Clair's driveway. Probably belonging to Zander and Jack.

I was having mixed emotions, happy to meet Amelia who was always so nice to me and treats me like her sister, but anxious to face Jayden- that jerk.

"Come on, cheer up. You look pretty." Aunt Ophelia bumped her shoulders with mine lightly before sending a wink my way. She leaned in closer and whispered, "...I'm pretty sure Jayden would like you in this dress."

She made sure to pick the nicest outfit I had in my wardrobe. She actually picked two- one was too revealing to be worn while having dinner with parents around and the other was a simple dress which complimented my skin, as Aunt Ophelia had pointed out.

It was a floral red dress, stopping mid thighs which I paired with ballet flats, despite the protests from an annoying aunt who wanted me to wear heels.

It was a floral red dress, stopping mid thighs which I paired with ballet flats, despite the protests from an annoying aunt who wanted me to wear heels

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"That's not happ-"

Before I could finish my sentence, dad had already knocked on Clair's front door which was opened by Clair herself.

She beamed when she saw us.

"We brought dessert." Mum said happily mirroring Clair's face. She had specifically banned us- aunt, Harper and I from the kitchen when she was making the strawberry cheese cake in fear of us eating it before it was even cooked.

Well, she was right in her own way and that was how the cake was saved from the three sweet tooth.

"Thank you." Clair's accepted the cake happily before inviting us in. "Come on in, we were just waiting for you." Clair held the door  for us as we walked in. "The Cunninghams are here." Clair announced as she ushered us into the sitting room.

We were greeted with familiar faces. Zander, Amelia, Jayden and-

"Brainless jerk." Aunt hissed from beside me, she was shaking with anger as her eyes turned into slits when she saw Jack.

"Don't start a scene now." I whispered hurriedly, scared of what she might do. Thankfully mum, dad and Harper were standing before us, blocking half of our figures. "Handle this in a matured way." I almost pleaded her.

"I got this. Don't worry." Aunt sounded confident and wicked which scared me more and contrast to how she wanted me to be, I was worried, very worried.

Everyone started greeting each other, Jayden smirked my way which irked me so I glared at him, shooting him my best evil glare which had the opposite reaction as he smiled next.


Aunt made sure to steer clear of Jack's line of vision and stayed well hidden, which for some reason worried me and i had every right to as my worries turned to reality when she suddenly stepped before Jack, a sour smile on her face which could rot a ripe apple with one look but Jack didn't look affected.

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