Chapter Thirty-Nine

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She was just laying in her hospital bed. Resting. They said moving her here would be better for her health and to make sure her breathing patterns were normal. I just got here, supposedly she's been here all night.

I can't believe I wasn't there for her.

There was a knock at the door. Then someone walked in. The cat. His hair was messy, he looked tired. He still wore his costume, the zipper for the top coming only a little undone and the belt off. His ears had flattened against his head at the sight of her. His green eyes narrowing and his pupils dilating. Has he been here all night?

"Coffee?" He offered. I took it, allowing for him to sit down on the other side of her bed. He barely paid any attention to me, his only gaze lying on all the medical equipment and her.

"Do you know when she will wake?" He shrugged, looking troubled by the question.

"Don't know. But she's not in a coma this time. I'd rather let her sleep" there was an eerie silence after that. A bit of tenseness in the air. Then the door opened again. In popped in my sister. She also looked like she did slept in a dumpster. She was still wearing her pajamas, hair done in a un neat bun.

"Where's my coffee?" She cat shrugged, darting his eyes to the table. She thanked him then took a seat next to him as she grabbed her drink. "Nice of you to join us brother"

"Likewise sister, were you both here all night?" Both of them almost glared at me.

"No I just decided to come here in my pajamas" she spat with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Exactly now that we are on the subject. What were you doing last night? You weren't here and your phone was off" here we go again. I felt my fingers tap against the chair arm.

"Last minute mission. I leave my phone here" lies. But they didn't know that.

"Your an idiot. An idiot. Let's send her on a mission with an Akuma. An Akuma who has beaten her to a point of almost death. Stabbed her, poisoned her, drowned her, tortured her in ways man can't understand. Yet you send her into his clutches?" His voice rose. Ella grew silent as did I.

"If you want to talk. Talk outside cat and don't raise your voice at me while she is here" I spat back.

"Sul mio cadavere"

"Compito abbastanza facile..." I mumbles but he caught it. He was about to make a statement about it, a retaliation, but Marinette began to stir from her bed. All three of us drew our attention to her.

She groaned and I was the first one up and right next to her. Her eyes blinked open to meet mine. "Hey...hey babe it's alright. You feeling better?"

"C-Cato? Where have you been?" She grumbled. I gave her a sweet kiss on her forehead, she relaxed a little.

"I had a last minute mission. I'm sorry Principessa. I really am" she seemed to hum at the name. She then looked around. She gave a smile to Ella who ran up to her best friend and hugged her tightly. They shared some words but then her gaze fell on the cats. They both just stared at each other for a bit. Not one of them making a move. I looked at them in confusion.

"Cato...Ella. Can you give us a minute?" We Both now looked at them in confusion. There was a pause.

"Are you sure...? Maybe you just want to rest ba-"

"Please Cato" she looked at me pleadingly. I could only grit my teeth, storming out with Ella behind me.


The door slammed. She flinched a little bit. I sat upright in the chair. She wanted to see me...alone?

"Excuse him. I'm sure he won't be that mad later once I'm able to get out of here" she looked nervously across the hospital room. I took a sip from my coffee. I was on edge more than anything.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" She then began to pick at the sheets. She adjusted her top then cleared her throat.

"I...remember completely... the three days I was there" she struggled to say it. Then tears broke from her eyes. She tried to calm herself down. Just her saying it made her want to crumble in fear. She also remembered only three out of seven days. How much more damaged can she become?

"Oh Marinette. I wanted you to find out. I did. But not like this"

"He said there were seven" it came out like a whisper. She went to reach up for her hair. Then she pulled away as if she touched fire. It was too short for her to play with it. "Seven days...of torture" her voice croaked. I got up, placing the coffee on the table and sitting next to her. She backed up in the bed a bit. "If I was in your care how was I tortured for seven days?"

"You were taken from me. You ran out of the house I put you in. We are in Italy at the time. It was Lila who was supposed to be watching you but she ran out on a mission. You got upset after watching something on the television about your parents and you tried to escape. The man who took you threatened to kill you if I didn't give up my identity. He gave me the whole week to do so or you would die. Eventually we found the base you were being held at and the ending wasn't as...going to plan as it should've been" I took a moment. I don't think I should tell her the ending. Not yet.

"H-How did it end? Please. Tell me" I shook my head.

"Another day. Your still in shock. I'll let you rest and you can let Ella and Cato back in" I gotten up. She didn't say a word till I gotten to the door.

"Chat. Thank you" I glanced back at her, giving her a sad smile before walking out.


Ooooo spicing it up. Give me your thoughts children. Please do so right here —-> hehe

Anyways how was everyone's days? 😹

I'm pretty sure no one is going to kill me for this update right? Anyways...


Maddy G

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