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she’s always here, i assume she lives close - otherwise she really seemed to love this park.

the latter seemed like the more probable conclusion considering how troubled she looks all the time.

well, maybe not from the outside but i can tell, though she does hide it well.
i wouldn’t blame her though, it was a very peaceful park. not new by any means at all, but also not old and rusty.

it gives off a feeling of nostalgia, it’s like the playgrounds you would play at in elementary school. even though, as a kid, you wouldn’t really mind much of what the park looked liked. the only thing that mattered was if everyone had a swing to play on.

she was amazing with kids, she was practically a magnet for them. she pushed them on the swing, helped them reach the spout of the water fountain, played tag with them, she would even sit on the bench with them and listen to their constant ramble, adding in when she felt necessary.

i don’t know anything about her.
well, except for the fact that she has the brightest smile, that I truly wish was real, she has an amazing way with kids, and she never seemed to frown, even if it looked like she wanted to.

she was like the sun, infinitely bright but easily dimmed by others.

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