• Camp Stinky Waka •

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• Ash's Outfit •

• Ash's Outfit •

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• Ash •

Griff, Xander, and I walked into Grizzly cabin, a horrible stench hanging in the air. "Hey Jorge- woah it reeks!" Xander exclaimed. "What happened in here?" We all covered out noses, and I grabbed a nearby shirt to cover my mouth. "Dude, isn't it obvious? Marty Farty is having a party." Griff  hissed.

"Guys it's not me this time!" Jorge protested. "It's always you." I mumbled. "Yeah. You're the one who said the lake is a bath and a toilet all in one." Griff added. "It's called multitasking! And the nasty smell is coming from under the cabin. Check it out!" Jorge told us. "No way. I bet you if I bend down, you'll blast me in the face with a heinie heater? No thanks." I said.

"Counselor?" Griff offered, motioning to the floor as Jorge stood up. Xander sniffed, and fear came across his face. "Uh oh. This isn't one of Jorge's smells." He stated. "It's sad that you know that man." Griff cut him off abruptly. "No, no. Its...Big Stinky. The nastiest skunk in Moose Rump. Two years ago, he fumigated the whole camp with his black cloud of death."

""I can't live like this." I spoke. "I'd rather sniff one of Jorge's butt bombs." Griff added. "Dialin' one up now!"

"That's not what he meant-"

"Too late."

We stood outside Grizzly cabin and Xander pulled away from the hole he was staring into. "I just know he's down there. My nose hairs are wilting." I turned to Griff and Jorge, and shrugged lightly. "What if it's not Big Stinky? What if it's a dead body?" Jorge inquired. I rolled my eyes. How stupid could he be?

"I bet it's Nosy Nancy! Gladys said she left camp to see her parents, but I think it's because she knew too much." Griff told us. I slammed my hand onto my forehead while Xander stood up. "Ok. We have to gently lure him out, and coax him back into the woods."

"Got it!"

Griff grabbed a nearby shovel and prepared to lean down. "Hey you're not gonna hurt him are you?" Jorge asked. "He didn't grab the shovel to tickle him." I murmured. "Just, don't get him angry. 'Cause when skunks get angry they-" Xander was cut off by Jorge yelling,  "SKUNK!" Xander turned around, and he got shot by Big Stinky. Xander fell to the ground, and Griff, Jorge, and I struggled to help him.

We were stuck in the infirmary, drowning Xander in tomato sauce. "Ok Xandy," Hazel cooed. "Let's get this in all those hard to sauce places." I turned to Griff with a look of disgust, him returning the expression. "You're on your own." He chimed. "I just can't believe Big Stinky got me again." Xander sighed. "Wait! Big Stinky is back?" Hazel asked.

Xander nodded in response.  "We gotta get rid of that thing!" I grinned, and sat down on a nearby chair. "Why don't you ask it on a date?" I sassed. "Shut it metal mouth." Hazel hissed. I covered my mouth quickly. I do have braces and I'm not very open with them. "You look great." Griff leaned over, and whispered it into my ear.

"I actually thought Big Stinky was kinda cute."

"You wouldn't think he was cute if you had been there a couple years ago. We got massacred." Hazel replied, standing up from Xander's side. "It was June. A night like every other. Or so we thought." Xander scoffed. "There was a campfire. S'mores. Laughter." He continued. "Little did we know Big Stinky was out there. Watching. Waiting. Hunting."

"Poor, sweet Lou. She was the first to fall. She got hit in the mouth with a toxic keister cocktail. They say a skunk has cold, dead eyes. That's a lie. There was joy in Big Stinky's eyes. He knew what he was doing, and he was proud of it. By the time that skunk ran back into the woods, we had lost two counselors." Xander finished.

"Big Stinky killed them?!" Jorge shouted. "No, they quit." Hazel awnsered. "Look, we gotta get rid of that skunk. I say we trap him and take him all the way to Canada!" Griff offered. "What did Canada ever do to us?" Xander protested. "They're way to nice! I think they're planning war." I fumed.

The bell to our small trap rung, and we all went rushing out to meet Big Stinky.

But when we got there, the cage was empty.

"Huh, Big Stinky took the bait. But he's not here." Griff informed us. "He's close. I can smell him." Xander sniffed. Xander, Jorge, and I spread around the great lawn to look for Big Stinky, but after a minute of looking Griff cried out, "Big Stinky! NO!" I rushed towards Griff, his face wet with Big Stinky's horrible butt water. "Skunk! Everybody, get off the lawn! Get off the lawn!" Xander screamed. "All smell has broken loose!"

Griff, Xander, Jorge, and I made our way into the infirmary, Griff's arms slung around me and Jorge's shoulders. "Man sprayed, man sprayed!" I yelled. "Quick, Xander! Take off your shirt!" Hazel quaked. "I got sprayed not Xander." Griff grumbled. "I know." We helped Griff into a chair, and turned to Xander for the plan. "Ok, new plan. We're going to catch that skunk and get his stink glands removed!" Xander said.

"No! You can't do that! It's mean!" Jorge protested. I rolled my eyes and turned to him, "Hey! I wasn't the one who sprayed butt water all over the camp!" I belted.

"Get him!" Xander's muffled voice yelled. Big Stinky sprayed a nearby lady, causing her to scream in agony. "Sorry!" Griff and I apologized as we ran off towards Big Stinky. But after about two minutes, we came back out. "You're back? Is the skunk chasing you?" Tiffany asked.

"Nope! Angry moose!"

"Here stinky, stinky, stinky!" Xander cooed. "Guys! I don't want anything bad to happen to Big Stinky!" Jorge came running in, I'm guessing to stop us. "There his is!" I turned to my left, and sure enough Big Stinky was there. "Ok you little stink box! Your reign of terror is over!" Xander boomed. "No!" Jorge pushed Xander back, and stepped in front of Big Stinky.

"Jorge What are you doing?!" Griff asked. "You're right in the path of his butt canon!" I exclaimed. "I won't let you de-stink him and change who he is!" Jorge replied. "If you do that, he won't be able to protect himself in the wild!" Xander sighed, "What about protecting the camp?!" Jorge begged for us to let him talk to Big Stinky, so he turned to the animal.

"Look Big Stinky, I know how it feels to have people judge you because you smell bad. That's just who we are. We can't do anything about it." Jorge explained. "Well, you could take a shower." I grumbled.

"Or wear deodorant."

"Own more than one pair of underwear,"

" I was talking to the skunk! Look guys, I bet if we just left Big Stinky alone, he would leave us alone. Right buddy?" Jorge chimed. Big Stinky turned to leave, and Jorge smiled at us. "See? Kindness worked! He's leaving!" We looked down, only to see Big Stinky shooting Jorge in the face. Big Stinky continuously sprayed Jorge, and Xander, Griff, and I laughed uncontrollably.

"The weird thing is, Jorge actually smells better now."


Another new part!

Hey so uhm, quick news.
I will be skipping We Didn't Start the Fire.

I know, that would be the second episode I skip. But, it messes with future plans in the story, so I have to skip it.

Love ya!


 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 💕                                    (GRIFF JONES X OC)Where stories live. Discover now