A Rough Start

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The waves crashed on the hull of the ship Eridan calls home. The sun shone through the window and into Eridan's recupercoon, heating up the cool slime's surface. PING! Eridan shifted in the slime. PING! PINGPING! The pinging from his computer wouldn't stop. PINGPINGPINGPINGPING PING!! 

"For fucking cod's sake!!" Eridan threw himself out of the recupercoon angrily, his bare feet touching the warmed wooden floor. He took his pajama pants off and grabbed what he thought was his towel and wiped the slime from his skin before slipping into a pair of boxer-briefs. He made his way to the still-pinging computer and sat in his swivel chair. 

- - gardenGnostic [GG] has started pestering caligulusAquarium [CA] at 8:21- -

[GG]: eridan!! dude!! get up you nut! come on! you promised me we'd go hunting together!!

[GG]: eridan!

[GG]: oh my gooooooooooood. eridan!!!

[GG]: .

[GG]: . 




[GG]: :D

[GG]:  :)

[CA]: wwhy this early

[GG]: its not early though. its 8 in the morning...?

[CA]: unlike you, landdwwellers, i prefer to sleep for longer than six hours

[GG]: eridan, in most people thats a sign of depression. are you okay? :L

[CA]: i dont knoww wwhy or how you got that assumption but wwhatevver

[CA]: let me get ready and i'll meet you out by the seaside like we said we would

[GG]: okay!! :D

Eridan pushed his chair away from his desk and toward his closet. "Why do I make these promises...?" Eridan walked into his bathroom and grabbed his clothes from the hanger on the back of the door. He washed his face and brushed his teeth before changing and styling his hair in its usual slicked back style. 


"MOTHERFUCKING-" Eridan stomped over to his computer again.

- - twinArmageddons [TA] has started pestering caligulusAquarium [CA] at 8:45- -

[TA]: Hey fii2hdiick.

[CA]: wwhat do you wwant, Sol

[TA]: Nothiing really.... I thought IId wake you up and pii22 you off.

[CA]: wwell im already up so good job wakin me up

[CA]: wwhat do you actually wwant

Eridan waited for a while at his desk but got no response, and Sollux didn't leave the chat. This didn't sit well, but he shrugged it off and put the wrist communicator, as Dirk called it, on. He slipped his shoes on and grabbed his glasses and rings from his desk. 


[TA]: You.

- -twinArmageddons [TA] has stopped pestering caligulusAquarium [CA]- -

Eridan shook his head, not believing Sollux or the possibility that they could be anything more than Kismesi. He stood up from his chair and grabbed the pistol Jade gave him to use.

[CA]: on my wway

[GG]: okay! :D Im waiting for you at the shore by feferis hive.

- -gardenGnostics [GG] has stopped pestering caligulusAquarium [CA]- -

Eridan went to grab his cape, but noticed it was covered in slime. "You know what? Fuck that thing. Needed washed anyway!!" He slammed his door shut and his window opened up a crack with the force. Eridan locked the door from the outside and went to meet Jade and Feferi for the hunt.

"Bitch didn't think I wath theriouth." A sly smile graced the lisped trolls lips as he watched Eridan walk along the shore. Sollux flew over the trees and went to Eridan's hive, attempting to open the door. He jiggled the knob, unable to unlock it before going the opposite side of the ship's hull and trying the windows. He immediately noticed the cracked window and took his chance to easily push it down. He climbed in and looked around. "Thurprithingly doethn't thmell fithy.... Kinda nithe actually." He walked around and looked at the shelves that were hung above Eridan's recuprecoon. There were multiple ring stands with rings from old ship wreckage and a necklace in the palm. The necklace had a gold chain and a blue obsidian stone bordered with gold. He picked it up and looked at the back. It had the Aquarius symbol carved elegantly with the name Dualscar underneath it. "Thith lookth cool. Maybe I thould wear it thince he won't." Sollux put it on and ran his thumb over the gem before letting it fall onto his collarbones. He continued to snoop before noticing the slime covered cape. "Thith ith thrange... Withard brainth alwayths hath thith thupid thing on. He noticed the slime and decided to go wash it off. He took it to Eridan's bathroom to clean it off.

Jade was bouncing on the balls of her feet, itching to go hunt with a friend for the first time in a while. "Eridan!!! Hurry up! You walk slower than my grandpa! And he's stuffed!!" She giggled at the scowl that formed on his face. She stopped fidgeting as Feferi came out from the water. 

"Is he finally here?" Feferi asked as she pushed her hair out of her face.

"Yup! Fish-sticks is walking over with a grumpy face." 

"Oh.... That's strange. He usually gets excited to hunt... and he's not wearing his cape and scarf?" Feferi was confused and Jade cocked her head as the realization dawned on her too. Eridan stopped in front of the two girls.

"Are we doin' this or what?" He snapped. 

"Eridan, where's your cape and scarf?" Feferi asked him, shrinking back slightly at his tone.

"I don't want to fuckin' talk about that... Let's just hunt so I can get my mind off of the shitty mornin' I've had." Jade walked over and patted his shoulder lightly before asserting her role as the leader of the hunt. 

"Okay! I found this really great area of woods just over to the north," she pointed at the treeline behind a large pile of rocks. "And it has rabbits, deer and squirrels. Well the equivalent to those things for this planet, anyways." She pat the bag on her hip. "I have ammo and snacks and bait. Let's move out!" The three of them began walking to their hunting spot.


A very slow start for sure, but as promised, the first chapter is out the same day I started and said I'd have it posted. I'm actually in love with my idea right now and I'm hoping that I'll finish this on a high note!! Thank you guys to all of you that has read my past book and I'm sorry if this one isn't straight into the smut and romance. 

And might I just say, Holy fucking christ is writing out the pesterchum chats tedious as FUUUCKK. It's a really fun element though. A lot of Homestuck fics or stories don't do it and it's kinda disappointing to not see the pesterchum chat in more of a log form. I'm just rambling. Anyway, you guys all please tell me what you think, and to get notified when the next chapters come out, follow me! Thank you again for getting the origial fic to #41 in eridan and stay safe!!!

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