Oct. 24th

74.5K 3K 1K

1:32 am

Despite the fact that Caleb had classes today, he was still up playing Call of Duty with his roommate (or crush. Whichever works best for you).

He had planned on getting off after he finished his final match.

That was at 9pm.

You see ... he would've stopped. But his KDR had been outstanding.

3.27 was pretty good.

So, he continued. And got some more great KDRs. So, he kept on. And here he was ... 5 hours later still playing and slaying.

While he was waiting for the next match to stop, he decided to get some more water. So, he took off his headset and left his room.

While the walk to the kitchen from his room wasn't long, it still gave him some time to think.

Why wasn't Min Ho out with some guy or girl? He stayed in not just tonight. But other times during the week as well. And the other times, they hadn't even been playing the game.

The other had offered to watch a movie. Or go to the gym.

They had been spending a lot of time together.

He entered the kitchen, a bit surprised to see the man of the hour in there himself, closing the fridge. In his hand was a bottle of water.

"You came to get something to drink too?" He enquired, handing over the bottled water to Caleb before opening the fridge and reaching back inside to get out another bottle.

And then he stood and opened it, closing the door with his side before bringing the bottle to his full lips and drinking.

Caleb gulped.

Minho's Adam's Apple bobbed up and down as he leaned his head back to drink more of the water.

Caleb had never wanted to pounce on this man more than he did now.

Fuck me.  

He didn't realised he had been staring until Minho cleared his throat and tossed the empty bottle into the trashcan.

"Uh ..." Caleb said quietly. "I'm just gonna ... go. The match is probably starting now."


Yes, Caleb may have left embarrassed. But what he didn't know was that his roommate had also been checking him out.

Minho stayed behind for a few more seconds, Caleb's pinkish face still clear in his mind. And he couldn't help but to smile.

"너무 귀엽다.... (very cute)." He muttered to himself before retreating to his room as well.

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