My Boyfriend/Requested

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Requested by sophialaraq

#167: " The food looks great...There's something much more delicious i'd like to eat right now. "
#47: "You're cute when you're angry,"
#182: "We can't do that here!"

Warnings: Cursing, slight smut?


Flash grinned and walked over to you guys. You and Peter notice and both sigh in annoyance. You both tried to get out of there quickly, but it was too late.

"Hey wait up Penis Parker! You too Dumbass," Flash calls out and smirks. You look around, the halls are empty since most people have left. You growl and look back at him.

"What do you want, Dickhead?" You sneered causing Flash to chuckle.

"Just wanted to talk to my two pals," He says and pushes Peter against the locker harshly. Peter mumbles a silent curse as you glare at Flash.

"Cut it out!" You growl and push Flash away from Peter. Flash looks you up and down and licks his lips.

"Ya Know, Dumbass. You're really feisty, that's really hot," Flash said. Ok so this fucker insults you, now he's flirting with you?! What the Fuck?!

"Ya Know my mom was gonna make dinner, and the food looks great.....But there's something much more delicious I'd like to eat right now," He commented making you gag.

Peter growls in anger and then he stops. His face turns smug and he smirks. You notice why and smirk along with him.

"You know Flash, You better stop talking to me like that. My boyfriend isn't going to like it," You said grinning. Flash notices Peter's smugness and scoffs.

"What this twerp?" He asks pointing to him. Flash is a bit shocked when Peter continues to smirk at him.

"Actually, I'm her boyfriend," Comes a deeper voice behind Flash. Flash turns around to face none other than Tony Stark. Tony glowered down at Flash who gulped.

"Is Mr. Thompson bothering you both?" Tony asked and Flash shook his head.

"N-No Sir," He stuttered and Tony chuckled. Tony glared at the boy and sighed.

"Leave," He said and Flash ran away. You smiled at Tony and Peter grinned.

"That was fantastic timing, babe," You said and Peter chuckled. Tony simply smirked and pecked your cheek.

Peter and you exchanged a hug and you got into Tony's car. He went into May's car.

"You know most of the students here think you're my father," You comment making him cringe.

"Ew." Tony mumbled and you rolled your eyes.

"I can't wait till you graduate. Then this relationship can become legal," Tony says and you gave him a look.



"I'm 21," You said and his eyes widen. He narrowed his eyes at you. You nodded and he started counting with his fingers.

"Holy Shit you're right," He said and smiled. You smirked and kissed his cheek.

"And you still get bullied," He said and snorted. You slapped his arm playfully and he chuckled.

"You know you're cute when you're angry," He said talking about when Flash was being an ass. You roll your eyes and he smirks. His dark brown eyes watched you, then back onto the road.

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