Lost in the Woods

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"Babe, I'm going to go on a walk," I told my girlfriend, Lauren, while grabbing my backpack. "Where?" she asks me. "The woods behind the house," I answered her question. "I don't think you should go," Lauren tells me with a serious face. I look at her confused, "Why not?" I ask. "Because I know you would get lost, and it's going to be dark soon." she tells me. "Come on, I won't get lost and I'll come back before it's pitch black outside." she looks at me with a face that says "Really". "You ended up getting lost in our own neighborhood. And you weren't even that far," she reminds me about the time I couldn't get back home because I didn't know where I was.

"Can we not talk about that time," I tell her. "Look I'll be fine," I reassure her.

"Okay fine, but you better not get lost," she points her finger at me, I giggle. "I'm serious Y/n, if you get lost what if you don't know how to get back and what if something happens to you," she tells me with fear in her eyes. "I won't get lost I promise," I promise her. I give Lauren a kiss on the lips and then walk out the front door.

I go behind the house and start my walk in the woods. I just walk around admiring nature. I can't believe Lauren would think I would get lost pfft, I could never get lost, that was just one time. As I was walking I hear leaves crunching on the ground on my left. I turn around and see a wolf. I just stare at it and then it looks at me, I don't move and the wolf doesn't move. After a while the wolf just walks away.

I never knew we had wolves here, well, it is a forest. I continue on my journey to... I have no idea, I just came to walk.

After a half an hour I see that it's starting to get dark so I decide to head back home to my girlfriend. "Okay so I'm pretty sure I came from over there," I say to myself while pointing behind me. "Or over there," I point to the right. Okay don't panic I'm pretty sure it was this way. I take off my backpack and open it and grab my flashlight and start walking with my chosen decision which was the first one. I hope this won't turn out to be some slenderman shit, walking around with a flashlight in a forest. The only thing is is that I'm not looking for pages.


What the hell, I'm sure it was this way. It has been 20 minutes and I'm not recognizing anything. Well, I guess I'm lost, Lauren was right I would get lost. Great going Y/n.

I don't want to tell Lauren yet cause she's just going to be all like "I told you you would get lost". It's like when your mom tells you to bring a jacket and you just say you don't need it, then you get cold but you don't want to admit it.

After a couple more minutes of me still not finding home it has become pitch black and I'm honestly starting to get scared. What if there's actually something out here? What if I really can't find my way back?

I decide to just call Lauren and tell her I'm lost. I take my phone out of my pocket and go to my contacts and choose Lauren. Lauren pick up immediately.


You: U-um I-I might have um, gotten lost

Lauren: WHAT!?! Babe I told you you would get lost.

What did I say? I knew she was going to say that

You: I know but I really can't find my way back. Please, please Lauren can you come find me I'm starting to get s-scared. I don't like being out here all alone in the dark.

Lauren: Okay baby just stay calm and stay where you are, I don't want anything happening to you. I'll come find you.

You: O-okay.

I hang up the phone and just wait. I could tell Lauren was starting to feel worried after I told her that I was starting to get scared. I hold onto the flashlight tightly as if my life depended on it. I stand by a tree and sit on the grass feeling scared. What if she can't find me?

Lauren's POV

I make my way outside the house with a flashlight and run to the woods and start looking for Y/n. I hope my baby's okay, she sounded so scared on the phone.

"Y/N!?!" I call out Y/n's name hoping to get a respond, but I don't get one. Where could she be? I keep looking behind trees and I still can't find her. I need to find her. I don't want anything happening to her.

I keep calling her name but I'm not getting any response from to know where she is. Ugh why didn't I stay on the phone with her. I take out my phone and go to her contact and call her.

"H-hello?" I could tell that she's crying. "Baby I need you to tell me where you are? Like tell what is around you so I could maybe know where you're at," I tell her. "I-I'm just in a small open space somewhere," she says. "Oh I know where that is," I tell remembering the spot where she's at. "C-can you p-please hurry," she tells me "Don't worry baby, just stay there." I tell her then hang up.

I start running to that spot so I could get to her quickly since it is kind of far. I can't believe she ended up all the way over there.

I make it to the open space and I look around for her. I start to hear sniffling, so I get closer to where I hear it. When I go to where I hear the sniffling I see Y/n sitting on the ground with her back against a tree. She's hugging her legs with her head between her knees and I could hear that she's crying. Aww my poor baby.

"Y/n?" I see her lift up her head and turns to me. "Lauren?" She gets up fast and runs towards me. I open my arms so I could hold her in my arms.

She jumps on me with her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I hold onto her tightly glad that she was somewhere that I know so I won't have trouble looking for her. "I-I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. You were right about me getting lost." she tells me. "It's not your fault, but you should've listened to me," I tell her. She puts her feet back on the ground and removes her arms from around my neck. "Can we go back home now I don't want to be out here anymore?" she asks me. "Of course we can," I tell her. I put my arm around her waist and we start making our way back home.

Y/n's POV

After a couple of minutes we are back home and I feel so happy to be back. We walk to the front of the house and walk inside. I go to the living room and plop down on the couch and just lay there. I see Lauren walk into the living room and sit down next to me. I move closer and lay my head down on her lap. I notice that the tv is on, I guess Lauren was watching tv before she came out to find me. I feel Lauren's hand running through my hair and I let out a sigh and close my eyes.

"How did you get lost?" I hear Lauren ask me. "I was just walking around and I realize that it was starting to get dark. I turned around to go back but then I got confused and I didn't know where I came from," I answer her question. "You have to pay attention, look at your surroundings so you could remember where to go when you want to go back," she tells me. "Yeah I know. Next time if I want to do this again, you're coming with me." I say. "Would you really think I would let you go alone again, hell no, I coming with you even if you don't want me to," she tells me. "Well okay," I say. She kisses my forehead and I just smile. "I love you," she tells me. "I love you too," I tell her. I feel her start combing my hair with her hand again and I feel my self start to fall asleep.

Next time I'm listening to Lauren.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now