Chp. 60

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Chapter 60: I Will Buy Trunks With You

Seven years ago, weekly swimmings lesson took place at Green Leaf West City Junior High School. Gu Zhun went to the locker room to change into his swimming trunks as usual.

Zhang Heng followed Gu Zhun with other intentions... He didn't need to follow him. Zhang Heng's locker was located right next to Gu Zhun's locker. He could stretch his head out and easily see it!

"..." Gu Zhun noticed the gaze from the person next to him. He frowned and said, "Didn't bring a towel?"

"No..." This person only wanted to peep. Sorry kind-hearted Gu Zhun.

Gu Zhun put on his swimming trunks. He pulled the trunk's elastic and it was a little loose, but it was still wearable and did not bother him. He followed the crowd of students outside to prepare for warm up exercises and rinse in cold water before entering the pool.

Zhang Heng and Gu Zhun were assigned to the same group once again.

Zhang Heng held Gu Zhun's back because he wasn't fully skilled at swimming. He still needed Zhang Heng's help to correct his movements. Gu Zhun's underarms were supported by Zhang Heng's hands as he leaned back onto Zhang Heng's chest while slowly relaxing his body and laying flat. In front of him, he spread his legs and kicked off, doing his best to paddle against the water.

Water sprayed everywhere.

"Practice time is over! Now it's your own free time! But don't play too wild! Make sure you understand the techniques! Dismissed—!" The sports teacher blew his whistle. A bunch of boys immediately jumped into the pool and splashed the girls' faces with water.

"Stupid boys! Acting like a bunch of unrestrained wolves!"

All the boys swam away to have fun, but there were still two boys left at the shallow end of the pool— Gu Zhun and Zhang Heng.

"Don't worry about me, I'll practice by myself. Gu Zhun held onto the side of the swimming pool like a kickboard to practice his kicks. Zhang Heng felt it was alright to leave him alone to practice the techniques and he was about to turn around and go to the deep pool to have fun.

However, when Gu Zhun used his legs to paddle water, the resisting surge of water caused his loose swimming trunks to slip off.

Gu Zhun did not notice it as the cold water had already numbed his senses. Zhang Heng was standing right beside Gu Zhun and saw the naked glory of his fair and tender butt.

He did not forget to turn around to see if anyone else saw.

The boys went into the deep pool far away while the girls went to another shallow pool to avoid being in the same one as them.

Zhang Heng sighed. He was going to tell Gu Zhen that his swimming trunks were floating away! Then it started to drifted further and further away!

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Zhang Heng pressed Gu Zhun down so he would not be floating above the water. He told Gu Zhun to hide underwater to conceal his bottom.

"Bottom?" When Gu Zhun finally realized that something wasn't right. Zhang Heng shot out like an arrow and was swimming at high speed fast enough for the Olympics Games!

He stretched out his hand and caught Gu Zhun's trunks.

Zhang Heng swam back to Gu Zhun's side after getting his trunks. Afterwards, he passed the swimming trunks above the water to Gu Zhun.

Gu Zhun pressed down Zhang Heng's hand and grabbed the swimming trunks underwater. He put on the trunks, but it was still a little loose...

Would he have to float around like this for the rest of the class?

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