Chapter 2: The Princess becomes a Queen

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In the dull haze of sleep, Lola had dreamed of being on a sinking ship and that no matter what she tried to do she couldn't escape the rising tide. Her family and friends were there but no one wanted to help her. The ships alarm was blaring in her ears until she opened her eyes and discovered the alarm was still going off.

It took five seconds to realize she had been dreaming, and another ten seconds to realize she had never heard that sound before, because the alarm was coming from a strange new clock she had never seen before.

"Luan." Lola thought to herself. Her sisters were already getting back at her for yesterday. She didn't want to get out of bed. She didn't want to face them. And she especially didn't want to go to school where everyone would be talking about her temper tantrum and making fun of her.

She reached out to turn off the alarm but was blinded by a flash of white. After her eyes adjusted she discovered the whiteness was coming from her walls.

Her walls were marble white and the night stand that her clock was sitting on was made of glass. Lola didn't own a nightstand. And her blanket was a lot thicker than normal.

Lola jolted up in bed like a maniac and looked around the bedroom in alarm.

The whole room was white and pristine. From the walls to the blanket and even the pillows. There was a big screen TV on the wall and a Blu-ray player to go with it. Gone were all of her toys, stuffed animals and pageant awards and instead the walls had some weird paintings of plants and animals on them. This wasn't her room.

Lola's first thought was that she had either been kidnapped or Luan had pulled the mother of all practical jokes and redecorated Lola's bedroom while she slept. In blind panic she began calling for help, but when she opened her mouth and said, "Mommy?! Daddy!?" what came out was not the high pitched voice of a small child but a deep richness that sounded more like a grown woman.

Lola tested this with a few more words and phrases to make sure that the voice was coming from her mouth. Then she noticed her two front teeth had returned. Then she noticed some much more...noticeable changes to her body.

Lola screamed at the top of her lungs. "What's happening to me?! Mom? Dad? Lori? Is anyone there?"

But no one came.

Finally Lola found the courage to get out of bed. After stumbling around the strange bedroom Lola found a nearby bathroom and turned on a light.

The bathroom was gorgeously decorated, with a limestone sink, bright towels, and an assortment of shampoo and soap on a nearby rack. The shower had a computer mounted underneath the faucet and the mirror was much bigger than the one Lola's family had at home.

And when Lola looked in the mirror, a beautiful young woman stared back at her. She had long golden hair, lovely pale skin, and slender fingers with finely shaped nails. She was tall and slender and wore a deep blue nightgown and a look of complete bewilderment on her face.

Lola moved her head and arms around to make sure this was really happening. Then she washed her face with water and slapped herself in the face a few times. The pretty lady in the mirror was still there.

Lola had become a grown up overnight.


Lola explored her new surroundings and found she was currently in a huge house with lots of doors and rooms.

There was a library full of books. A study with a laptop next to a tank of fish.

A room full of exercise equipment.

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