A Mission.

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24 hours earlier.

Elizabeth Grey stood in a line, in front of Black Omega 7, staring them down.

"You know why you are here." She said quietly, in a stern voice.

"Your traitorous thoughts against The Academy." Tessa Dauntet growled, and Elizabeth glared at her, but did not respond to her, instead stating,

"When I first joined The Academy, I learned quickly, that there were rules. The rules were the foundation of The Academy. But the most important one of all, was that when we were here, at The Academy, we would never lie. But, I believe that this rule had been broken, by Madam Nikolai, herself." Elizabeth said, and her team stared at her with wide eyes.

"I am done with these accusations. I say we vote. Who wants to report Commander Elizabeth to Madam Nikolai?" Tessa said, standing up and raising her hand.

"Sit down Tessa. Elizabeth, explain." Malka said, running her hand through her silvery-white hair nervously.

"Cassandra. The other 99 girls that went missing. The fact that last week, all training, and all missions stopped. The fact that we aren't allowed outside." Elizabeth said, staring the facts, her Hungarian accent thick with anger.

"People disappear here all the time Elizabeth." Zilla said softly, trying to be kind. Elizabeth glared at her.

"But tell me Zilla. You are the oldest. You have been here the longest. Have you ever seen this many girls disappear, in this amount of time? Has The Academy ever gone into lockdown before? Tell me Zilla, tell me." Elizabeth growled, challenging Zilla.

"No. Nothing like this has ever happened before." Zilla said, retreating, lighting a cigaret, letting Elizabeth take command once more. There was something almost feral, and animalistic about it, this wolf pack mentality, Elizabeth, the pacing alpha, fighting to keep control.

"So there is something wrong. What do you propose we do about it?" Malka said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"She wants us to break into Madam Nikolai's private quarters." Becca suddenly said, her voice quiet, but unwavering.

Her team turned to look at her. It was rare to hear Becca speak. She only contributed when absolutely necessary.

"That's right. That's exactly what I want to do." Elizabeth said, shrugging in agreement.

"Why Elizabeth? Why would you suggest such a travesty? Do you know that you have just proposed a surefire way to get us all killed? To get yourself killed? Are you not happy here, with this life? This second chance? Do not think that I have not noticed your scars. I know that you have died. Why forsake your place of rebirth? Tell me Elizabeth! Are you not happy here?!" Malka said, her pleading tone slowly turning to a wail as her eyes scanned Elizabeth's stony face frantically.

"I am not." Elizabeth said, bowing her head, not looking Malka in the eyes.

Malka's eyes grew wide with horror, and she stumbled backwards a little, running a hand through her long silvery hair, before steadying her shoulders, and clenching her jaw, raising her head, high and proud.

"Then I will support you." She whispered, and Elizabeth looked up at her in surprise, before nodding.

"So will I." Becca said quietly, standing up, moving away from the couch, to stand by Malka.

"Might as well." Zilla said, shrugging, taking a drag of her cigaret and standing up, sauntering over to the group of standing girls. They all turned to stare at Tessa.

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