2. My Name Is...

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Good morning, stranger.

Oh how I wish you'd wake up because I am in dire need of a distraction.

Lucky for you, I just got back from breakfast.

Lucky me, indeed. What did you have for breakfast?

The usual: bacon, eggs and fruit salad – standard since I was 6 years old.

Not cereal? That's always my go to breakfast meal.

What type of cereal and how exactly do you eat it?

You totally sound like a creep right now.

I'm trying to figure out if you are a psycho or not, so answer the question!

Mostly Cinnamon Toast Crunch but I'll take Lucky Charms if the other is unavailable. I obviously put the cereal in before the milk.

You passed the test, good for you!

What happened at the end of your movie last night?

Obviously all the Yule logs were made on time and the happy couple got married in the end.

Hallmark gets it right every time, huh?

I wish my life was a Hallmark movie right about now.

How are you feeling compared to yesterday?

In shock, sad and worried. I still can't believe yesterday even happened. I have been trying to reach her this morning but haven't heard anything back. Did she seem okay when you saw her?

Maybe a little agitated but nothing alarming.

Did she live with you?

Yes we lived together, although she said a few weeks ago she wanted some space and was staying at a friend's house.

Did she give you an explanation?

Nothing more than that she wanted to do some soul searching.

So she's into that Eat, Pray and Love shit?

Apparently she is, unbeknownst to be.

Sometimes girls just need some time to think about things, it doesn't have to mean anything.

Then why did she dump me? I would've given her all the space in the world had she asked.

I'm not sure but it's only going to hurt you more if you dwell on it.

Been dumped many times have you?

None actually but I've helped my friends through their fair share of break ups, I've become quite the comfort-expert.

I'm still waiting to hear anything comforting....

I don't know what to say other than: no matter how hard it is to believe; you will be fine and you will get through this.

Those three dots appeared, went away and then re-appeared.

Thanks...uhm what's your name?

Florence, what's yours?

Florence? Really? Are your parents Italian?

No they're not but they were in Italy when they conceived me, or so my mom says.

It's a beautiful name regardless. My name is Eric, very common and not at all exciting.

I like your name. I don't know how but it suits you.

But you don't even know me?

Eric sounds like a Hallmark and Cinnamon Toast Crunch loving guy – so it suits you.

Florence honestly sounds like an older woman's name to be frank, but somehow it suits you too.

Did you just call me an old woman?

By accident! I'm sorry...

As long as it cheers you up go right ahead.

It is actually. What are your plans for the day?

Counting the minutes until we can leave this place. What about you?

I'm working on a project for work so I'll be dealing with that most of the day.

Speaking of work I need to start getting ready for it now...

A small disappointment spread inside her but she knew texting for an entire day probably wasn't possible.

Have a great day at work Eric and good luck with your project!

You know where to find me.

Have a good day you too!

Hey, can I text you on my lunch break?

She stifled a goofy smile and bit her lip. Why was she so giddy about a freaking text?

I'll talk to you at lunch then.

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