Chapter 23 | Letters

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Time is a confusing process, it speeds by at rates that you just can't explain, the seconds, minutes and hours stretching into days, the days into months and the months into years.

Sometimes time goes by faster than you want it to, you may find yourself looking back and wondering where all the time went, why you wasted so many precious seconds of your life pondering on decisions that could just be irrelevant but also ones that could shape your future completely.

There are many things that people do that they regret, many things that you look back on with a smile and others that you wish you had done differently.

Time zooms by faster than the speed of light sometimes and at other points it drags on like it's never going to end, especially if you are looking forward to something happening the next week and usually, at that exact moment, time decides to slow down and take as long as possible to reach that destination.

It takes a little patience to get through it all, it takes a little time, a little perseverance and a little uphill climb.

It could be the hard way but more often than not the hard way is the right way, the right way to spend your time effectively and efficiently so as to make the most of your life.

This was what Euphemia was dwelling on as she traipsed through the grounds of Hogwarts around mid - April in her third year at Hogwarts, she was literally wondering where the time had gone, where all those months and days that seemed to last forever had disappeared to.

Weeks that had been the worst for her and she had been so sure they would never end were now gone, out of her mind and into the past.

Easter was approaching now and so were the first exams, they were starting to crawl in and at this point Mia really just loved watching the fifth years and seventh years freak out over last minute revision.

Euphemia often laughed at them, despite knowing that would be her in a few years, now that she didn't find amusing.

The last few months for Euphemia hadn't been particularly hard, she had coped and thrived through them, no challenges had arisen with the exception of the occasional event that turfed her off track but she had always managed to be quickly back on her way again, she didn't let it deter or stop her.

It had been rather challenging and confusing, to be honest, because Charlus was still acting strange around her and the rest of their mutual friends had actually picked up on it now, meaning that Mia got a lot of winks and nudges from Florean and knowing looks from both Filius and Minerva.

She didn't get it, honestly, she didn't get why he had changed his attitude towards her completely.

Charlus had always been against her, he had been the source of many dirty and dark looks sent in her direction and the owner of several horrible comments and remarks that were uttered at her.

Yet now he was acting strange, ever since the Christmas Dance he had been acting even weirder, he was actually talking to Euphemia for once, albeit stiffly and awkwardly.

Those such conversations usually ended up with him shuffling away because the tension was too much for him to handle, especially as Mia always stood there with her arms folded and a dead pan expression on her face.

He obviously hadn't gotten the message in the furious letters that Euphemia had sent to him during the Christmas holidays...

Who did he think he was? Did he seriously think he could treat her like trash in the past and then suddenly start acting like they were best buddies and like he had never said a wrong word against her or to her face?

Toujours Pur | Euphemia BlackWhere stories live. Discover now