Chapter 14

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Should I forgive him, again?

Maybe I should. I just don't know.

I let him slide the ring on my finger, I was still shaking.

He wrapped his arms around me, "I love you"

I couldn't manage to get anything out but I nodded

Charlie came in and sat next to me to keep me warm while Leo went downstairs to grab my blanket.

While he was down stairs Charlie spoke to me, "Leo really loves you, you know, he spent a lot of time thinking about you"

"T-thanks" I said. thanks? Why'd i say thanks?

charlie kissed my cheek, a friendly kiss, and got up as Leo came back in.

Leo wrapped the blanket around me and kissed me before laying down next to me.


"Yes princess"

"I- I forgive you"

"Thank you princess"

With that I fell asleep curled up next to Leo

~next morning~

*leondre's pov*

I woke up and I looked at my watch, 8:20 ok I'll get up.

Wait, Hannah's still sleeping...

I stood up quietly and carefully not to wake her and I pulled the blanket back up over her.

I smiled even though I knew she couldn't see and walked downstairs to see Charlie spread out on the couch.

I jumped on him and he just squirmed under me and I laughed and hopped off.

He stirred then sat up, yawned, then mumbled, "mom?"

I laughed then played along, "charlie, sweetie, get up. You have a busy day today!" I said in a ladies voice.

He opened his eyes so he could see me, and hopped up and tackled me.

"Let's make breakfast" I suggested

"Okay" he said and went back to sleep

He got back up 20 mins later and I was almost done with breakfast.

I made pancakes with Nutella and chocolate chips. Yummm.

Hannah walked down the stairs. She looked so cute.

She was wearing my shirt and pj pants.

I laughed and she said, "what?" laughing also

"Nice shirt"

"Oh" she smiled

charlie wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed and Hannah just gave him weird looks.


Longer-ish chapter lol

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