Park Jimin

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"I want to protect you one more time before tears run down your face ."


My footsteps thunder in my ear as I run through the hospital hallways, desperately trying to find the emergency room in which Tae was in.

The nurse at the front desk had barely stated the number before I had begun blindly running to find it. I could hear Jungkook running behind me, breath heavy as we both glanced at every placard on the wall to see the room number.

"Jimin hyung," Jungkook shouts behind me and I turn to see him stopped in front of a door. His eyes were wide with fear and what looked to be guilt, but I push it aside as all I can think of is Tae at the moment.

I move towards him just as the door swings open, revealing the doctor. His face is grim, lips in a tight line as he regards us, obviously realizing who we were.

"Are you family of Kim Taehyung," he asks, closing the file he was holding in his hand to hide its' contents.

"I'm his fiance, and Jungkook's family as well," I state, "how is he?"

I know what I'm going to hear, I know what is happening. I see the answer I am about to hear clearly on the face of the doctor. Yet I still ask, perhaps hoping for some kind of miracle. For the doctor to tell me that this was all a cruel joke and nothing more than that. But, unfortunately this was reality and life really is not fair.

"I'm really sorry. We did all we can, but his injuries are too severe. Besides the broken bones, he has uncontrollable internal bleeding and we have tried our best to fix it, but it's too late. I think it is best you take the remaining time to say goodbye," he says, eyes softening in grief and understanding as he squeezes my shoulder before walking off.

A cry leaves Jungkook's lips and I look to see he has tears streaming down his face. But I just stand there, understanding and comprehending, yet unable to cry or even feel what I'm supposed to be feeling. It was as if my life had just stopped and I didn't know what to do.

There was a numbness that settled over me, unable to cry, yell, do anything. Instead I begin calming Jungkook down, wiping away his tears before taking a deep breath and opening the door to the room.

My eyes fall on Tae immediately, lying on the hospital bed with all sorts of equipment and wires attached to him. His eyes are closed, a bandage wrapped across his forehead, colored red. His blonde hair was stained with the red as well, the Gucci suit he was wearing mangled and spotted with red.

And yet he still looked so handsome, so perfect.

His eyes open slowly, finding mine in an instant. Tears fill his eyes as his hand rises from the bed and tries to reach towards me, his hand coming up and being held towards me. I can hear the others behind me, everyone had come, asking Jungkook what was happening.

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