Chapter 12

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I'm still in shock after Jennie's departure that it barely registers with me when Hanbin announces that he'll go after her. I nod my head and watch him follow her without uttering a word.

Part of me wants to be the one who finds out what got Jennie so upset but another part of me is afraid to know the answer. All sorts of worst case scenarios run through my mind. I take a seat back down on the piano bench while my stomach goes haywire.

It bothers me that however innocent, I had some hand in causing a person I care about pain. Sure I've only known Jennie for an incredibly short period of time, but in that time I've already done so many things to her that I wish I could take back. I should have punched Irene the second she walked through those doors and next time I see her I'll have to do just that.

The longer I'm left with my thoughts, the more panicky I become.

What if Jennie decides that my sexuality is not something she wants to put up with?

What if Jennie decides that me representing her is not worth the trouble it's already brought her?

What if Jennie decides that being friends with me brings too much drama into her life?

What if Jennie decides that she doesn't want to see me anymore?

I try and stop the frantic and irrational questions piling up on top of each other with no success.

What if Jennie decides that...


Oh thank god she came back because I was about to have a full blown panic attack and it wouldn't have been pretty.

I look up and when I see how unnerved Jennie is I forget all about my own anxieties. She seems tentative to approach me and I don't know why. "Hey." I reply as I run my hands up and down my jeans. "Are you ok?" Jennie nods her head but I get the feeling her actual answer is no. "I'm sorry..."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for." Jennie forcefully cuts in. "I should be the one apologizing to you."

"No you shouldn't." I tell her just as forcefully. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Jennie sits beside and sighs. "Yeah I did, I let Irene get to me and because of that she said all those awful things to you."

I can't believe Jennie is taking responsibility for the hate that Irene spewed. "Trust me Jen, that wasn't the first time Irene has gone off like she did. She's said a lot worse to me before."

"Doesn't make it right." Jennie says with conviction.

"No, I suppose it doesn't." I concur. "But I'm used to it."

"You shouldn't have to get used to something like that." Jennie whispers and her voice is clouded with such emotion.

I want to take her in my arms and comfort her but I'm sure that will only make matters worse. "That's life sometimes, you can't control what people think or what people say." I place my hand on her shoulder even though I'm scared of what her reaction will be. I have to let her know I'm ok because she's clearly not.

Jennie doesn't recoil from my touch, but she doesn't seem all that comforted by it either.
"I don't understand."

"Understand what?" I whisper. From the second I spotted Jennie I figured this girl was strong, but in this moment she seems incredibly fragile and one wrong word from me will cause her to break.

I don't want Jennie to break and I certainly don't want her to break over me.

"How you can be fine after those awful things Irene said about you?" She explains. Her voice cracks and I'm seriously worried that she might start to cry.

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