Chapter 9- Thanks William!!!

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Oh my gosh! I am so sorry guys, I though I had updated. I didnt even realize I missed a week until three minutes ago. Here is the update! Soooo sorry, but hopefully this will make up for it.

Chapter 9- Thanks William!!!


Okay, so after the tree process, I felt it drain on me. There is a limit to everything, but my limit had been cut shorted because of all they stuff my old pack had made me do. So when William and I crashed back on my bed, with a pile of peaches, I almost wanted to fall asleep. William had a much different idea. In the middle of a long talk, of him saying that he saw his mom and dad exercising naked. I felt no reason to explain what they were doing. But we laughed, laid on our backs, and staring at the ceiling anyway. In a moment of silence, I felt William lay his head on my shoulder.

"Do your parents exercise naked?" William asked. I laughed slightly.

"I dont know."

"Ivory, where are your parents?" I felt my heart sink.

"They died when I was around your age." I said felling sick.

"So your mom wont ever do your prom hair?" He asked, his big eye staring into me.


"Your dad wont walk you down the isle?" He asked. I felt the lump in my throat grow large.

"Nope, that wont happen" I wasn't sure if I meant, I wont get married, or the fact my dad wont be there.

"Did the people who took care of you hurt you? Did they give you the scars?" He asked, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Yea, they did."

"Did you have to run away? After something really bad happened?" I looked down at William, but he was back to staring at the ceiling fan.


"Do you think they will ever come back to get you?" William asked.

"No, I dont think they will." I said, hoping it was true.

"You sound a lot like Aunt Aria." He said snuggling into my side, Who?

"Who is that?' I asked, he smiled.

"Luna. Her mom and dad were killed in front of her, and then she was put with a bunch of bad people, then one bad person planned on killing her, but he was really mean to her. But she thought that he was after her, you should talk to her. Mom says it helps to talk to someone who hurts as much as you." I felt a tear fall past my eyes, and was clueless as to what I should say.

"Your really smart William." Is what I settled for. William looked up at me, and frowned at me. Sitting up, he whipped away the spare tear, his cute face scrunching up.

"Icecream makes me happy. Want icecream!?!" He asked getting excited, unable to help it, I burst into laughter. Icecream is really good.

"PLEASE!." He folded his little hands, and made a puppy face. I bit my lip. Could anyone say no to that? Or why would anyone want to?.

"I wish I could, but they probably wont let me out." Referring to my mates. Thinking of my mates, put Ivy on my mind, I opened my mind to her, but felt the block. 'Just let me be for a little while'. Her voice flitted through my head, before the barrier was back. I sighed.

"They love you, you know that right?" William asked, I looked down at him with wide eyes.

"Leo and Levi, arn't the ones who took you from your parents. You shouldn't be mean to them. I heard that Alpha's die without their mates. I remember when I was little." I smiled at the fact he said 'when' he was little. "Leo said when he gets his mate, he is going to treat her like the princess she is. Levi said that he is always going to give her compliments. I know they love you because, could you imagine how hard it would be to always come up with compliments? You have to love someone to do that much for them. And Levi is kind of dumb, so its one hundred, trillion, gazillion timed harder for him to think that much."

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