Part 7, The Flower

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A/N wow its been a long time, ill try to keep going more often now.


"Hot, hot *sharp inhale* HOT!" "Will you please be quiet" GLaDOS said while trying to get the propulsion gel out of her synthetic hair "Im trying to concentrate. 

"Sorry, my head is just REALLY hot, I think its still burning from that test." "Most definitely"

"W-what is that!?" PHOOOOSH "Fire extinguisher, it should help your burning, and may I add 'blackened' hair." "O-o, thanks, then."

Beep"Chamber ready"boop

"Lets go, now we have hard light bridges, this will be fun... "What do you mean by 'fun', this is going to hurt isnt it? That's your definition of fun. "No, moron."

As Wheatley was going across the bridge for the first time he noticed something, he beleved it was called a "flower" it was a golden colour and resembled Glados' optic. He soon began a rush acroos the path to get it. 

"Where are you going, actually, (as she noticed his fumbling) carry on." "W-woah!" He yelled as he nearly plummeted into the sludge below. No doubt filled with human remains. 

GLaDOS sauntered up, with a smug look on her face, reaching out for him. "Grab on, moron"

[WheatDOS] I Love My MoronWhere stories live. Discover now