chapter eleven- little lion

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LIANA was absolutely exhausted the next day as she sat her way through lessons. The lessons in themselves would drive her round the bend but the fact that she had gotten around four hours of sleep did not help whatsoever so this only worsened her mood, leading to the first day in a long time now that she was grumpy.

She was currently standing beside Harry, who was engaged in a rather heated Quidditch discussion with Oliver Wood, a boy Liana thought was a bit potty, but that was why she liked him. However, given her mood, she really wasn't ready to be dealing with hanging around and waiting for anyone.

"Potter I really hate to be a killjoy on this lovers spat but we do actually have to go-" Liana snapped eventually.

"Diggory's got quite a swerve, you might want to try looping him Harry-!" Oliver advised to Harry's back as Liana yanked him away by his robes.

"A little louder Oliver- China haven't heard you yet!" shouted Liana over her shoulder, Harry snickered and the pair began jogging along to defence against the dark arts, which they were now five minutes late for.

"Slow coach Potter," Liana teased, cheering up slightly as they raced down the corridors, bags swinging wildly as they elbowed each other out of the way to get there first.

"Really? Potter again?" Puffed Harry as they reached the door, he placed his hand on top of Liana's on the door handle to stop her opening the door yet. His heart was sinking slightly as emerald green eyes met bright blue.

"What do you mean?" Liana furrowed her brow, she hadn't even registered calling him Harry before, she had always just stuck to his last name, it was like some kind of unspoken agreement.

"You called me Harry last night," Harry shook his head quickly, he'd hoped maybe she would continue to call him Harry but he guessed not now.

"Come on then, Harry, if that's what you want-" his name sounded foreign on her tongue but she just grabbed his hand in hers to pull him into the classroom, still breathless and laughing slightly at his bashful smile.

Harry's heart was beating rather fast and he could feel his cheeks heating up as he followed the beautiful girl into the classroom. She had called him Harry again.

"Sorry we're late 'fessor Lups- we were just-" but Liana broke off and it didn't take look for Harry to glance up and realise why.

Instead of Professor Lupin standing at the front in his usual tatty robes, a small smile on his lips and maybe a smear of chocolate too, Professor Snape stood at the front of the class, his wand held tightly between his fingers. He looked as if he had swallowed a lemon as he looked Liana and Harry up and down.

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