chapter fifteen- Draco is sqaushed

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AFTER Christmas, things began to look up for Liana. Now that her friends knew the truth about her family she felt as if an immense weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Other than Hermione and Ron's never ending arguments about Scabbers, a rat that Liana firmly believed was carrying some kind of plague, Harry's issues with a firebolt he had gotten for Christmas and Buckbeak's looming execution and trials, everything was going well.

Today was the second quidditch match for the Gryffindors, and, from what Liana had heard, Oliver had never been so intense. Fuelled by their loss, Oliver wouldn't let his team have a single moment to relax. He had even taken to sitting in the common room, bent over a board of charmed quidditch players, muttering to himself.

Harry would return every night to the common room drenched in mud and freezing cold, although for the boy who lived, having Liana waiting up for him most nights with a blanket and some smuggled chocolate cake made it well worth it.

Liana was wholeheartedly pleased with her commentating last match and was looking forward to doing it again. She enjoyed Lee's company and had absolutely no problem informing anyone on her opinions of the match so she was cheery as she ate breakfast with the rest of the Quidditch team that morning.

At the moment she was sitting in the stands of the teachers, grinning at McGongall who looked as if she wished she could bury herself in the ground just to get away from another match like the last.

"Alright Liana-" beamed Lee Jordan as he came bounding over, decked out in Gryffindor scarfs, although he didn't look quite as ridiculous as Liana, who had an entire Gryffindor flag wrapped around her torso curtesy of Fred and George.

"You ready?" Smiled Liana as she shifted over so Lee Jordan could sit beside her.

"Are you? I mean, that is your boyfriend flying-"

"What?!" Liana choked on her own spit as she looked at Lee incredulously "Harry is not my boyfriend!" She swallowed hard and began coughing manically hitting her own back as she laughed at Lee's stupidity.

Lee shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I didn't say Harry was your boyfriend- I just said your boyfriend was playing-" he handed her the microphone knowingly and Liana only rolled her eyes.

"Now Jordan, I want a nice non bias commentary from you and particularly from you Holly" McGonagall informed the pair, her thin eyebrows rising slightly as she took in Liana's unruly hair, flag clad body and red face paint.

"I'm never bias!" Lee clapped a hand to his chest in mock horror.

"Yeah come on Professor McGonagall, I feel betrayed," Liana shook her head in disappointment. Professor McGonagall turned away, muttering something along the lines of:

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