25-Alastor Moody

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FALLING back into the regular school routine was harder than usual for Liana. Mostly because neither Grey nor Harry would even speak to her.

Sometimes she would catch Harry staring at her across the classroom, but the second they made eye contact he would look away faster than you could blink.

Harry himself was in a state. Ron and Hermione had spent hours over the last few days trying desperately to persuade him to forgive Liana and move on. But Harry wouldn't budge. He still held the frustration in him and was steadfast against apologising.

Liana was slumped in her seat in her first lesson of defence against the dark arts, her head resting on her hands and her long red hair spilling over her shoulders. She was exhausted. She was tired of constantly trying to think of ways to talk to Harry.

It never worked anyway.

Sadly, Liana turned round to look at Harry, only to meet his green eyes. He was staring at her with a hard to read expression on his face, it almost mirrored Liana's own miserable face.

"I'm sorry," Liana mouthed to him, pulling a face.

Her stomach in knots as she hoped that the raven haired boy would just smile and nod and that everything would be okay again.

But Harry just looked away, dragging his eyes from the beautiful girl in front of him.

Liana sighed and let her head drop on to the desk. She wanted to give up on earning Harry's forgiveness, it seemed impossible at this point.

Grey was even worse. He had taken to running away from Liana every time she came near to him.

"Alastor Moody!" Came a harsh voice from millimetres beside the sulking Liana.

Liana shot up like she had been electrocuted and looked around at the new defence teacher in indignation. Alastor Moody was definitely a odd chap in Liana's opinion.

"What's wrong Miss Holly, spoilt your nap did I?" Moody asked sarcastically, without even turning away from the board.

"Yes you did in fact," grumbled Liana and she pushed her textbook off the desk to make room for her sleeping self.

Behind her Ron snickered and she heard Hermione sigh in exasperation. Moody chose to ignore Liana's reply although the girl could hear his magical eye whizzing wildly as it flickered over her face.

Moody did a slight double take, as if a sudden thought had occurred to him as Liana met his fierce gaze with one that matched.

The Professor slowly turned to face the board again before snapping back into action.

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