Far From Home

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You can feel your body hurtling through what seems like a crystal tunnel filled with the colors of the rainbow. Taking a last glance at its beauty before your body hits a cold stone floor, sliding to a halt.

"Well what do we have ere?" you hear a voice above you exclaim.

You try to move but your muscles wont allow it, all energy had drained from you rendering you helpless. The tall armored figure kneels beside you, studying you. You try to look at him but your vision is hazed by a bright yellow glow.

"Please.....help me," were the last words you spoke before you passed out.

The man above you placed one arm under your back and one under your legs. Scooping you up off the floor he carries you towards the help you had requested. Once inside the palace he kneels before the king, placing you on the palace floor in front of him.

"Your majesty, this girl has just landed at my feet asking for help."

The king looks at the man and you with a furrow in his brow, confused at what the guard was telling him.

"Well what are you doing here? Take her to the infirmary," he retorts, "wasting my time."

"But your majesty, she is not Asgardian."

"What?!" The king stands from his throne.

"That's why i brought her here your majesty, .....she came through the bifrost."

"Impossible," the king whispers.  He starts to walk down the steps of his throne making his way to stand in front of Skurge.

"She was conscious when she landed but her eyes, her eyes shone yellow and then she became unconscious," Skurge tells Odin.

Odin looks at your lifeless body. He sees your hands clutched to your stomach. Using the flat end of his trident he moves your right hand from the top of your left. He lifts one of your fingers on your left hand, underneath a dim yellow stone glows from within your palm.

He has seen all he needs to, "leave us," he demands to Skurge.

"But your majesty what if she wakes and is hostile?" Skurge asks concerned for the kings safety.

"I don't think one small girl is much of a match for the ruler of Asgard, do you? Now leave," he says frustrated.

Skurge does as he is commanded and makes his way back across the rainbow bridge to the gate of Asgard.

Odin kneels down beside you and places your hand band back over your stomach.

He looks over to the guards standing either side of his throne, "take her to my private infirmary and be sure no one enters her room."

The guards lift your lifeless body from the floor and do as commanded. Odin stands and walks in the opposite direction heading down to his vault.

The guards place you on a stone table and Odin's healers remove your combat suit and place an Asgardian cloth over your body. After this they place a soul forge around you to analyze and protect you.

 Odin returns moments later and asks one of the healers, "does the soul forge tell us much about her?"

"It seems that she has lost a lot of energy and might be in a state of sleep for some time until her body heals, for she is a mortal."

Odin looks at the healer in amazement. Knowing that you had come through the bifrost even though it is broken was astounding but to learn you were human as well, was confusing.

"There is nothing we can do for her but let her rest," the healer continues, "one of us will check on her every sunrise and sunset until she wakes."  With that the healers turn to leave the room leaving you in a coma like state in Odin's presence.

Odin continues to study you and talk to himself, "you are but a mortal from Midgard, with an infinity stone in your grasp."

He thinks on this over and over, walking around the table you lay on. As he does he walks past your combat suit that its draped over a chair. He stops and picks it up, seeing the silver A stitched into the shoulder he furrows his brow and talks in a condescending tone.

"I'm guessing your one of my sons mortal pets he is so fond of," he continues to walk around the table to stand near the top of your head, "i still don't understand why he helps you Midgardians," he scoffs.

He pauses for a minute then pulls a golden apple from his pocket. He opens it as if it were a jewellery box and the stone your clutching hovers towards it. Once it settles on the plush interior if the apple he closes the clasp and places it back in his robe pocket.

"No mortal should have possession of such a powerful item."

He turns and walks out of the room. He stops to one of the guards on the outside of the door, "gather my sons Thor and Loki, tell them i request their presence in the throne room."

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now