5: Insight

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You tapped away at the keys on your computer, hair in a messy bun while you scrolled through the teams medical charts to make sure they were up to date with their visits with Dr. Cho and to check if they had any abnormalities. As second Omega, you made it your duty to check the health and happiness of your pack so you knew what to do when it came to suspicious behavior or sudden signs of discomfort. As you were reading the last bits of information on Natasha, pen pressed against your lips and notepad underneath your free hand, a knock on your door made you look over your shoulder from your desk.

"Come in." You called, spinning your chair around as the bulky figure of Thor shyly entered your room.

"Good evening Lady (Name)," he greeted, giving you a small smile.

You smiled brightly back, always happy to see your favorite God of Thunder. "Hey Thor, what's up?" You set your pen down and leaned back in your desk chair. Your casual demeanor seemed to make Thor relax and he took a seat on your beanbag clumsily, situating himself for a few moments making you chuckle at the large man sinking into the piece of furniture.

"Steve's friend, Mr. Barnes, informed me of the incident that happened this morning. I am terribly sorry for Loki's behavior, I told Tony to lock him on his floor, but he didn't listen. I hope he didn't. . .do anything out of sorts." His blue eyes held worry as your face fell, but you quickly brushed the expression aside and gave him a smile.

"It's okay Thor, it wasn't your fault, Bucky protected me and made him leave me alone. Nothing too drastic happened." Your affirmation of being fine seemed to calm him, as his shoulders relaxed and he sat up (as best he could at least).

"I'm glad he was there to stop my brother. Loki. . .he doesn't like to play by the rules, especially when it comes to Omegas." Your heart stuttered slightly at his statement, but you continued listening quietly to the man. "I. . .didn't just come here to apologize, I wish to tell you why he is the way he is."

Your eyebrows knitted and your head tilted. Why did Thor want to do that? Loki was a bad guy, he killed people and wanted to take over Earth. That was it. Wasn't it? "I'm sorry, but I don't think I understand."

Thor looked up at you, his eyes holding in pain and what seemed to be. . .regret? "Loki wasn't always bad. Sure, he is manipulative and cunning, but he once was my best friend." The man smiled at that, seeming to remember something pleasant. "Before trying to take over Earth, I did some reckless things while on Asgard. Loki was handed the throne as our father fell into a deep sleep which rendered him unable to rule. Our father wasn't the best, I must admit that as I look at my brother now, he didn't treat Loki as an equal. You see. . .Loki is my adopted brother. He is of Jotünheim descent."

Your eyes widened. You hadn't known any of this before. While doing research on the Nine Realms when you started working for the team, you came across some information on Jotünheim, land of the Frost Giants, but there wasn't much. Your mind tried to keep up with the facts being handed to you, but it all became a blur once Thor went into detail of his brothers years with Thanos. The torture, the bloodshed, the blackmail, the mental and physical destruction. By the end of his tragic tale tears were rolling down your cheeks.

Thor was quiet for a moment as you processed. You sniffled and wiped your eyes, staring at the floor. "I. . .had no idea." You finally said, so quietly you didn't think he heard you.

Thor stood from his seat and knelt in front of you, taking your hands and you looked up at him. "I know you are the only one who could ever understand. You are so caring, so empathetic, the others just don't get why I still have a little trust left in him. Loki just needs something to show him that the world isn't corrupted and cruel. After the death of our mother. . .I believe that truly broke him. (Name), I know your encounters with him haven't been all that pleasant, but I wish for you to show him the kindness you show me and the team once he has been deemed worthy he can set foot in the same room as you. I know you can lead him back to the same Loki I grew up with, the same Loki I fought side-by-side with and laughed with. Please, will you do this?"

You were at a loss for words. How could you possibly do that? Loki seemed like he would never return to the happy man he was, you knew you wouldn't if you experienced the tragedy that befell him, but the way Thor looked at you with such desperation, your heart clenched. There was one thing you always prided yourself in, and that was following your heart, and now it was screaming for you to find the lost man trapped in the cold façade that was Loki Laufeyson.

Coming to your decision, you looked up at Thor, squeezing his large hands in your own. "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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