4.2 The Stubborn Lang Yuan

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If earplugs are already invented up to this date, then, the emperor's royal parade could have been happy and bless the gods. Unfortunately, all they could do is to stuff cotton or anything that could at least muffle the loud crying of a baby coming from the inside of the royal carriage. The subordinates could only shake their heads while enduring that hateful cry.

While birds and crawling animals flap their wings and crawl down deep the ground to hide from the nerve-wracking noise, the Emperor is firmly holding a plump baby boy crying it wits until both cheeks turned red. JiDan is wriggling, struggling from the strong hold of his father trying to leap towards the other chair on their front where Lang Yuan is lightly sleeping. Yu XueQin who is still indifferent from the baby's crying did not try to coax or stop JiDan from crying.

Let him cry ba. The baby will get tired and stop sooner anyway.

And that would give him one slap from Lang Yuan if ever the youth heard his thoughts.

"Awuwaaawaa waaa waa," Get off of me! I want my mommy!

"What? You're saying something?"

The emperor raised the baby in front of his face. JiDan stops from crying but he turned those wet eyes to a glare. Yu XueQin was amused. How could this little son of his glare at him like this? Shouldn't he (JD) be more grateful that he has now met his father? Of course, Yu XueQin understood what those eyes mean.

"Awuuwuwuwu gyuu baaaa!" You're so mean! How could you do that to my mother! Give him to me!

JiDan started throwing punches to the air but those small hands could only hit the air. And even if he hits the emperor, he is still a kid. What can you expect from a child this small? Could haul a boulder and end the world? Well, let's say that JiDan could do that but for a one-year-old body still has its limits. Plus, Yu XueQin is already beyond thousand, a simple punch from only a day's old baby could not do harm.

Even mosquito bites are itchier than those cute little punches.

"Want to fight me? But you are so weak. Grow and become stronger. Win against me and you will get whatever you wanted," the emperor announced.

"Agyuuuuu wuuuu! Wayayabba na na nnnnaaaabaaa!" Of course! If I am not strong, who will protect my mother? You're not even there to protect him when he got in danger!

JiDan could still remember those times when he was still inside the egg. He can remember how Lang Yuan treated him, how the boy was surprised to see a large egg, like how he changed his heart and carried him around despite being heavy, how Lang Yuan would whisper sweet little things to him. Sometimes, Lang Yuan would scold him from jumping around or from getting lost when he just closed his eyes to take a blink.

Lang Yuan is a stranger, yet, he treated the egg as if a companion. JiDan fell in love with this trait and wanted this youth to become his mother. Even if there are more people who could make him hatch, JiDan chose Lang Yuan as its owner. And he will do anything to protect his benefactor.

What made JiDan mad was during that time when Lang Yuan was stocked inside the forest and somehow the youth fell to a high fever. He could not do anything than to jump and roll around while Lang Yuan is shivering from the cold. He stayed beside the shivering human, fearing that Lang Yuan will die. When things almost turned to naught, JiDan called out to his father. He knows that Yu XueQin is aware of his awakening and calling him using their blood link is a usual thing.

But that damn father did not even bat an eye. Dragons are prideful creatures. They will never ask any help even if they meet any danger. But JiDan forgot about it just to protect his mother. Lang Yuan recovered from that fever but JiDan will never forget how his father ignored his pleas. And the time that they will met, he will make sure that his father will suffer...

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