Chapter 37

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It's really quiet in the car.

Like super quiet.

Except for the music playing that is.

But other than that hardly any conversation has taken place between Jennie and me since we left the view of L.A. I showed her.

I'm worried.

I'm worried because I know from recent experience how unnerving it is to share a part of you that you aren't proud of.

I'm worried that Jennie doesn't believe me when I said that knowing about her past hasn't changed my opinion of her.

I'm worried that I'm not able to make her feel secure like she did for me.

Jennie knew exactly what to say and how to act after I opened up and maybe I'm not doing that for her.

Maybe I'm not able to give her the sense of peace that she gave me.

I'm worried.

She gave me perfection in her response and I don't know that I've returned the favor.

All I want is for Jennie to take from me what I took from her.

Reassured and comforted.

That's what Jennie made me feel, and that's what I hope and pray she feels now.

I don't think she does though.

She's still holding my hand but her eyes seem to be looking anywhere but at me.


There I go again.




I have to stop thinking this way.

Enough about me, I need to focus on Jennie .

"Are you ok?" I ask as we stop at a red light.

Jennie looks at me and her eyes are a bit glazed over. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Are you ok?" I repeat as I try not to read too much into the fact that she seems to be off in her own world.

"Yeah, I'm good," Jennie replies unconvincingly.

I don't want to push her but at the same time I don't want her cover up her feelings. "You sure? Because if you're not up to going anywhere else..."

"I'm fine, Jisoo," Jennie assures me before I can finish. "It's just, you know, I uh..."

I tug on her hand as I give her an understanding smile.

I do know.

She probably feels really vulnerable and I totally get where she's coming from.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me; I just wanted to make sure," I say softly.

"You could make me feel better by telling me where we're going," Jennie requests with a genuine smile.

" Jennie!" I exclaim. "That's not really fair you know."

"I know," she chuckles. "It was worth a shot though."

My response to her is cut short by some asshole in the car behind me. "The light is fucking green, lady, fucking go!" he shouts as he honks his horn furiously.

"Fuck you!" I shout back making Jennie laugh even harder. "What a fucking jerk," I complain as I step on the gas. "Some people have no patience when they're driving."

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