After the Ball

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~A few weeks have passed~

"I get that you're color is green but if I have to wear a green dress one more day I'm going to vomit."

She chuckled, Loki sat at his table and waited as she got changed. She walked out in a golden yellow dress with a green cloak, he looked at her with awe. He only got engaged to her so she wouldn't be a threat anymore but something about her makes him want to always have her around.

"What shall we do today darling?"

She thought for a second...

"Uh well how about we go visit Thor and Siff? I haven't seen them since that night."

"Alright if that's truly what you want."

He smiled at her, grabbing her by the waist pulling her close. She turned a crimson and giggled as he caressed her face. She stared at him thinking to her self; -Why him? What about Sam?....-

He placed a soft delicate kiss on her lips then smiled.


"Yes Sara?"

"Do you truly love me or is this a trick?"

He let go of her and looked a smidge ashamed.

"Well to be honest I only wanted to marry you to stop the competition....but after living with you for some time I've grown feelings for you. And that's the cold hard do you feel?"

She looked at him, "I trust you more than anything Loki and the feelings mutual...but I must be honest, a little bit of my heart still belongs to Sam...but he has started moving on."

It wasn't a lie, she went down to earth to say hi to the boys, she saw Sam was with a random girl. Loki grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"That small bit doesn't bother me, you can love who you want."

She smiled and kissed his nose, "same goes for shall we?"

He smiled at her and nodded, they headed for Loki's good friend Thor.

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