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Life is complicated, I don't know why I didn't call him, maybe it was because of the fact that as soon as we seem to get remotely close media catches up on it and starts following me everywhere. I didn't tell Harry about the fact that they started being all over me again... not that I don't think that he already knows it because of all the picture on the internet.

Sure I have gained a lot of followers on all of my social media platforms but honestly most of them are fans of Harry's and not really knowing a thing about what I do for living, they just comment stuff about me and Harry when I upload something...

I have been trying not to think too much about it, but it's hard when for every one comment about me there is a hundred of comments about Harry.

I don't want to be known as that guy that has a thing with Harry Styles... I want to be known for my snowboarding, the thing that I'm actually good at.

"You need to stay focused Louis otherwise you are going to get seriously injured." The girl in my age say and take one last look at my wrist. Of course I know that but I just lost focus for one second and came falling down.

"I know, it won't happen again." I mumble out to her, she has been a nurse at this place as long as I have been her, she started as an intern just a few weeks before I started training her.

"I think that both of us knows that it will and that you need to figure out whatever is stealing your focus before the real hard stuff begins." She says and gives me a small little smile.

"I'll try, you always seem to know what to say." I say and look at her. She is a beautiful girl, no denying that.

"Of course I do, it's my speciality" She says and laughs a little.

"I'll see you tomorrow Perrie." I say and stand up to walk from the room.

"Hopefully not under the same circumstances." She says and lets a small laugh leave her lips.

"Don't over use your wrist now." She says and I say another goodbye before leaving the building. There is so many reporters outside with big cameras that it really scares me. There is more cameras here than on the X games which is freaking insane.


"Louis are you and Harry seeing each other?"

"Louis over here!"

They keep calling out my name and I try to cover my face as much as possible as I make my way to my black range rover.

When I slide in to the leather seat I feel exhausted, it was more working out getting out from all those people than what I do in a year...

I start the car and the song from the radio makes me smile, it was such a long time since I have heard this but somehow it always makes a smile appear on my lips. There is just something about the way Michael Bublé sings that just makes me feel super happy.

"Oh you know that will all turn out , and you'll make me work so we can work to work it out, and I promise you kid, to give so much more than I get ,yeah I just haven't met you yet!" I sing along while driving away from the people who is screaming my name.

I feel how the skin on my back is sticking to the leather seat, my shirt have raised up a little and left it all exposed to stick to the seat. That's literally the only reason why I regret buying leather seats, like sure they look super cool but honestly the way it sticks to you when you're a little sweaty kind of sucks.... It's actually kind of disgusting.

I park outside of my apartment and walk inside, I'm so happy there is no people outside of here, I can't handle that.

When I get inside the first thing I see is the gossip magazine on the floor that someone have put in my mail. On the front page it's me and Harry and I can't help but take it up.

It's honestly a cute picture, or it would have been cute if it wasn't for the fact that it makes me uncomfortable because I didn't know it was being taken... I didn't know they were there.

It's a picture of us sitting at the restaurant eating and laughing. It was a moment that was for only us to share, but now we're sharing it with the whole world.

I can feel the knot in my stomach, I feel so bad for not calling him last night.

But truth is that I don't know where this is leading, because it feels like more than friendship, the way we act and talk to each other. We both want more but I'm not sure I'm ready to be dragged in to Harry's crazy life... I don't know if I'm ready to only be known as that dude that Harry Styles is dating.... I don't want that...

I want to be with someone that's not complicated, and Harry.... Harry is more than just complicated, he is the literal definition of the word.

I put the magazine down and look around my empty apartment, it doesn't feel like home. It never has. 

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