4.3 The Stubborn Lang Yuan

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Indeed, it was quite a sight.

The emperor is carrying an unknown youth on his arms with a small kid clinging on one of his (YXQ) legs. Emperor Yu XueQin is still maintaining his stoic and straight look while caging the struggling Lang Yuan on his arms. Lang Yuan is wriggling, trying to pry the strong arms holding his body, yelling nonsensical shit trying to hit the man.

JiDan prepared for the second demotion. The small child is clinging on the emperor's leg as if trying to stop the man from walking by weighing him down. But the emperor only bid ignorance as his stance continued, as if the two struggling people did not matter. He didn't stagger and remained straight, looking dignified like a man bringing the trophy back home.

Lang Yuan is too preoccupied he didn't notice the place they are going. Since the emperor wanted the wedding to happen on the High-Rise peak then it would be expected that all of the guests from the Higher Realm would be staying on the sect. The disciples watched the emperor while carrying a familiar figure on his arms. One of the senior disciples gaped when he recognized the youth.

"Isn't that..." The disciple called the person beside him. "It was him! Remember that filthy brat we found? It was him."

"Huh? Why is the emperor carrying him?"

All the servants and whoever is present would bow down to the ground when they saw the emperor approaching. They would quickly avoid his way in fear that they might offend the emperor. The servants from the emperor's parade greeted their master, cupping their hands while bowing down.

"The room is ready, your majesty," one of them said.

The emperor nodded and went straightforward. Lang Yuan eventually stopped struggling when his energy depleted from uselessly trying to escape. He scanned his surroundings and noticed some familiar looking clothes. Before he could recognize what it was, a large door opened before them and the emperor went in quickly. The servants closed the door after their entrance.

"Huh? What is this-"

Lang Yuan was thrown to the bed.

Like a ball, the poor Lang Yuan rolled to the white soft sheets of the bed after bouncing and sunk in when he stopped. The bed is humungous that Lang Yuan's figure could only do nothing but to be engulfed on the soft sheets. Yu XueQin knows that the bed is made for his size with the most comfortable rate so he wasn't scared that Lang Yuan would get hurt. JiDan's eyes widened as he hurriedly let go from his father's leg and ran towards the thrown mother.

"And where do you think you are going?" The emperor quickly picked the baby up and carried it on his arms. JiDan resisted, pushing him away while reaching out to Lang Yuan.

"Behave." The emperor commanded. JiDan stopped struggling and looked up. He saw the eyes of his father. Something cold made him shiver feeling fear for the first time. JiDan lowered his head and rested calmly to his father's bosom.

JiDan: O-okay... I'll b-behave father...

Yu XueQin: Mnn.

Lang Yuan recovered from the sudden shock and sat up. But the bed is too soft that only a part of his body can be seen. He saw the stranger carrying his JiDan while whispering some incoherent words. His eyes flared up and rushed towards the end of the bed to take JiDan away from the man.

"What are you doing to him? Give him back," Lang Yuan demanded as he crawled towards Yu XueQin. The emperor flashed him a feisty glare making Lang Yuan stiff. Amused, Yu XueQin smirked.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him. He is my son and I am his father. Nobody can severe such ties that will make me hurt my kin," Yu XueQin said. He lowered his body and let JiDan down the bed. The baby timidly crawled towards Lang Yuan's arms and curled on his chest while clutching tight unto his clothes.

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