7- Take it back

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Tinley POV
I enter the posh building and by the look and name at it I kinda guessed it was this guys office.

As I walked behind him people give me odd looks and some in disgust.

I just looked at the ground and walked.

And at last we reached in front of a massive room actually its an office.


Particularly made to show off his wealth.
Rich hen!

I sat in the couch and read a book. I can feel a stare on me.

I don't look up beacuse I know its him. Who else is there in the room anyways?

"Sir may I come in" I hear a voice .

And he growls a come in.

What kind of man is he ?

The lady enters and and stares at me disgusted.

Well if I describe this lady. She is way too innocent.

She has this pink colour dress which is extra tight and yeah forgot to mention that there is a deep neck and her breasts are so visible.

So much for wearing a dress and its length is above her knee.

I know way tooo innocent.

I give a disagreeing face and continue to read my book.

Its way more interesting than this lady.

Its been 6 hours since I have arrived and this man is still in his seat. What is he robot.

And doesn't his butt pain for seating like a statue.

Weird characteristics.

An another woman entered and now she is giving me another stare.

"What is your issue huh" I asked.

How much can a person control

"Who the hell are you to shout at me you bitch" she said back.

And all this while that posh butt is amused.
Yeah posh butt .

"Don't you dare call me that. First look yourself in the mirror then you will know who the real bitch is" I barked back.
What does she think of herself.

"Woah just because you are sitting in this cabin doesn't mean that you could tell whatever you can. And by the way I entered here with qualification you entered with what as a prostitute " my hand with full force went to her face and smack.

She has no energy that she actually fell down with bleeding lips.

"Yeah qualification of a slut" she wanted to get up but couldn't.

Now after one drama took place posh butt comes to save Bitchy no 1.

He glares at me.

And the second she sees him coming she is more sick.

I really wanna laugh.

But I just control.

He let her outside.

And turns to stare no actually glare at me.

I sit satisfactorily in the couch.

"Who do you think you are if I haven't come you would have killed her" he said

Its better for me to ignore him.

"Oh hello I am not talking to pillars" he said

"And I wasn't talking to pillars before that you couldn't stop her. You really thought that you would get me humiliated right!! Ha so wrong of you The problem is that you haven't seen girls like me so you kind off think the obvious. So sad"

Now he pulls me by my arm and literally throws me to the wall.

"What the -"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that "

"Stupid asshole of a loser " I spat on his face.

"You are a woman of no nature " he spat back.

"You are a arsehole"

"Whore" he said.

Past memories flash.

I blink my eyes to not let the drop of tears to fall.

"You are trying to treat me like shit to take this box right. " I threw it in his face.

"Go and eat it you loser "

I walked to the door but again I was yanked.

"What the fuck is you problem" I literally yelled at him.

"Take it back" I never expected that

"Why so you could humiliate me once more"

"Don't make it repeat once more take. That. Back. Tinley"

I didn't budge.

He muttered a fine

And took the box and put it in my bag. I mean forcefully.

 I mean forcefully

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