nya uwu

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Oof sorry for not updating for like a week,,, school had me very stressed out :'D Don't worry though we're coolio now

I don't r e a l l y have art,, but I've been animating a lot recently,, so guess you can have that

I don't r e a l l y have art,, but I've been animating a lot recently,, so guess you can have that

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heres Ji-Hu,,, I don't think I've introduced him in this book yet

he's a kumiho so like he's basically a Korean kitsune that eats humans by seducing them into the forest,, hes only relevant cause he's really important to Mihr's character arc

but I also just like drawing him so

haha sorry that's all,, I just barely got all my schoolwork done and the gif took me all of Saturday so yeet

Date: 10/28/18

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