Our Very First Show, Again ♛

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(9/24/19) I am going to go through this whole book and editing it. This first chapter is extremely rough and I thank everyone who got through it. I promise after I finish editing, it will flow and sound a bit better. Thanks!!

(6/5/2020) editing book again. The crown is most recently updated. The check is old

 The check is old

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Farrah's POV

"Love you" Was the last thing my parents heard as drove away in a taxi, headed to the airport for their next assignment in Japan.

Their extended absence would mean my stay in the Fuller household: the family down the street that seemed to open their arms to any person who needed it.

Ever since I was a young child, the Fuller's have been in my life one way or another, but nothing made our two families closer than the close friendship I shared with the eldest son, Jackson Fuller.

We've been by each other's side for almost everything we've faced.

"What's up, Fuller's" I cheered, walking through the back door of the house, only to realize Danny and Tommy were the only ones in the kitchen.

"Mornin' Farrah" Danny greeted, waving a piece of toast.

"Uh, what are you doing with that toast?" I asked, taking a seat at the dining table where Danny and Tommy sat

"I dropped it, and I was telling Tommy to keep it between us." He laughed

I nodded at the older man, before turning to playfully pat on Tommy's stomach. Besides Jackson, Tommy was the Fuller I loved the most, and he was honestly the most well behaved baby I'd ever met.

"Morning, Daniel" Jessie greeted, as he walked down the stairs, entering the kitchen with a friendly smile.

"Morning," Danny replied, as Jessie turned to offer me small hug instead of a repeated greeting

Jessie proceeded to show off the Elvis onsie he had gotten Tommy, bringing amusement to everyone in the room. Joey trudged up from the basement of the house, and I plugged in some head phones as soon as I saw Jessie's signature "I'm about to beat this bitch up" face.

After a moment, Danny gently removed the headphones from my ears so I could hear the speech he was about to make to those of his family who were currently awake, "It's been fun having you guys here this weekend, but I got to admit it's a little weird."

Jesse sighed, "You know what's weird? Joey's 60 years old and still wearing the same Bugs Bunny pajamas."

"I'm 55-ish and these happen to be brand new!" Joey cried, trying to defend his childish ways

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